Woo Hoo!!! I had a snowball fight this morning, it was so awesome. I haven't done that forever. And while I was out there, I shovelled my neighbour's front walk. I've spent the rest of the day snuggled indoors, updating the BettiLu Bombshells website. I uploaded pictures and video clips from LuluMae and my New Years burley-q show, hope you like it!
I think I'm going to bake cookies tonight, I've eaten the xmas supply already!
I think I'm going to bake cookies tonight, I've eaten the xmas supply already!

I never listened to much Smiths until recently and just picked up The Queen Is Dead and Hatful Of Hollow, both of which I love. I used to own Meat Is Murder but did not like it much at the time(many years ago, don't really remember it), should I give it another try? Can you recommend any must haves?
Thanks tons!