I was the cover girl for last week's Monday Magazine, and I finally had a chance to upload the article and cover shot to my website!

I also put up photos from my show at the DNA Lounge in San Francisco, the Bawdy Island Burlesque Hulaballoo, hopefully some of you were able to catch the live webcast! If you did go tell Papawheelie what a fabulous show he put on, he did a great job bringing so many performers together for that show. I had a blast!

For those of you in the Portland, OR area, I will be performing Sunday night at Dante's. Hope to see you there! I've already made my pilgrimage to Food Fight! for ricemilk chocolate bars, rootbeer kegs and assorted veg jerky snacks. Me shopping there kinda looks like this:


I also put up photos from my show at the DNA Lounge in San Francisco, the Bawdy Island Burlesque Hulaballoo, hopefully some of you were able to catch the live webcast! If you did go tell Papawheelie what a fabulous show he put on, he did a great job bringing so many performers together for that show. I had a blast!

For those of you in the Portland, OR area, I will be performing Sunday night at Dante's. Hope to see you there! I've already made my pilgrimage to Food Fight! for ricemilk chocolate bars, rootbeer kegs and assorted veg jerky snacks. Me shopping there kinda looks like this:

or if you can't afford it, please just spread the word. all support is apreciated!
happy holidays xox