Lots to update you with! I'll be heading down to San Francisco to perform at the Bawdy Island Burlesque Hullabaloo on November 16, so if you are in the area, come out and say hello!
THIS JUST IN!! If you aren't able to make it to the show, there will be a live webcast of the performance!
Click here November 16th to see the show, it starts at 8:30!
That same weekend I'll be appearing at Glamourcon at the Radisson in LA, pin-up convention, so come to that and chat me up at my table so I'm not bored!
I've got fun new stuff up on Coquette Faux Furriers, I created a Signature Line for my favourite pin-up model, Bernie Dexter. Take a look and tell me what you think!

I've also created a custom stole for our very own Kiki, check it out:

And finally, check out the gorgeous photos I was sent by Miss Tayva in her custom Ava Stole:

Phew, I've been busy!
Hope to see some of you out in California this month!
Thanks for all the lovely comments on my new video, and be sure to tell Amina what a killer job she did!
THIS JUST IN!! If you aren't able to make it to the show, there will be a live webcast of the performance!
Click here November 16th to see the show, it starts at 8:30!
That same weekend I'll be appearing at Glamourcon at the Radisson in LA, pin-up convention, so come to that and chat me up at my table so I'm not bored!
I've got fun new stuff up on Coquette Faux Furriers, I created a Signature Line for my favourite pin-up model, Bernie Dexter. Take a look and tell me what you think!

I've also created a custom stole for our very own Kiki, check it out:

And finally, check out the gorgeous photos I was sent by Miss Tayva in her custom Ava Stole:

Phew, I've been busy!
Hope to see some of you out in California this month!
Thanks for all the lovely comments on my new video, and be sure to tell Amina what a killer job she did!