I had a marvelous trip to Seattle and Vancouver this week, thanks so much to Jules for being my travelling buddy, and being the hottest burlesque performer and pin-up and all around rad gal.
Thanks to Kara, Lottie and Papawheelie for enduring my shoe fetish all over Seattle, and making daily vegan doughtnuts possible. *drool*
Through all this I managed to get some work done, surprisingly, so go to Coquette Faux Furriers to check out the new spring/summer line we've been working on, I'm so excited to finally have it up on the site!
Cute little chiffon capes:
Sassy driving gloves:
And my favourite, jaunty little hats:
*Edited to add a photo of the shoes I would marry. Thanks to Papawheelie for guiding me to the mirror to see these beauties on, and propping me up for the photo, as walking is not an option in these shoes.
FYI I'm a size 8.
Oh, the photos I could take in those....*drool*
Thanks to Kara, Lottie and Papawheelie for enduring my shoe fetish all over Seattle, and making daily vegan doughtnuts possible. *drool*
Through all this I managed to get some work done, surprisingly, so go to Coquette Faux Furriers to check out the new spring/summer line we've been working on, I'm so excited to finally have it up on the site!
Cute little chiffon capes:

Sassy driving gloves:

And my favourite, jaunty little hats:

*Edited to add a photo of the shoes I would marry. Thanks to Papawheelie for guiding me to the mirror to see these beauties on, and propping me up for the photo, as walking is not an option in these shoes.

FYI I'm a size 8.

Perhaps the next movie could be about the undead terrorizing a great shoe store... you know, so you could work a few pairs into the budget and then write them off?