Quick update time:
I just wanted to let all you local folks know that my performance tonight at Belle's Bar is no longer invite-only, it's open to everyone and free as a bird! Belle's bar is a sexy new burlesque and live-music venue below SYN bar and grill at 759 Yates St. across from the Odeon. Doors at 7pm, show after 8. And there is another performance on March, with different numbers, so come to both and invite everyone you know!
Thanks for all the wonderful birthday comments, I'll update fully soon!
Three more sleeps till my birthday! I'll be celebrating at the Monday Magazine M Awards, hoping for another award for my burlesque performances so let's hope my birthday is a good one! I've updated the Events Calendar on Bettina.ca, so check out all the shows I'll be doing in March, it's shaping up to be another busy month. Here's a poster for the one in Vancouver, maybe some of you Seattle kids can make it up for this one!
I'm super excited for the Frontline Films Fundraiser on March 21st, as I am also a costume designer, hair and makeup helper, and sometime actor in their productions, and will be trying my hand behind the camera lens for the next picture so I can learn enough to shoot my own burlesque-themed silent films. We are trying to raise enough to buy a newer digital video camera to improve the production quality, so if you aren't in the area to come out to the show, but want to help out, feel free to email me at bettinasuicide@hotmail.com on ways to contribute. I'll be dancing with the brand-spanking-new Jorryn and hopefully Tiamat will be able to make it too, and we can re-live our past Meat Market glory days.
I just wanted to let all you local folks know that my performance tonight at Belle's Bar is no longer invite-only, it's open to everyone and free as a bird! Belle's bar is a sexy new burlesque and live-music venue below SYN bar and grill at 759 Yates St. across from the Odeon. Doors at 7pm, show after 8. And there is another performance on March, with different numbers, so come to both and invite everyone you know!
Thanks for all the wonderful birthday comments, I'll update fully soon!
Three more sleeps till my birthday! I'll be celebrating at the Monday Magazine M Awards, hoping for another award for my burlesque performances so let's hope my birthday is a good one! I've updated the Events Calendar on Bettina.ca, so check out all the shows I'll be doing in March, it's shaping up to be another busy month. Here's a poster for the one in Vancouver, maybe some of you Seattle kids can make it up for this one!

I'm super excited for the Frontline Films Fundraiser on March 21st, as I am also a costume designer, hair and makeup helper, and sometime actor in their productions, and will be trying my hand behind the camera lens for the next picture so I can learn enough to shoot my own burlesque-themed silent films. We are trying to raise enough to buy a newer digital video camera to improve the production quality, so if you aren't in the area to come out to the show, but want to help out, feel free to email me at bettinasuicide@hotmail.com on ways to contribute. I'll be dancing with the brand-spanking-new Jorryn and hopefully Tiamat will be able to make it too, and we can re-live our past Meat Market glory days.

Yup I did get my tooth all fixed up, thanks.