Ok, I've got a big run of shows happening in the next week, soget out your daytimers and write down these dates!
I'm off to Vancouver tonight after work to be in the First Annual Vancouver International Burlesque Festival! I can't wait to see what all these other amazing performers have to offer, it's not often our neck of the woods gets such an influx of talent like this.
Then on Saturday, I gotta scoot home on the ferry pretty early to get ready for my first of two Valentine's shows! I'll be doing vaudeville styled routines with the fabulous Lily Fawn, so I better dust off my taps shoes! I'll also be doing two burlesque numbers that night too, so fans of flesh, be there or be square.
Then I've got a couple days off to prepare for the actual Valentine's Day show at Lucky Bar on Tuesday with the Switchblade Valentine.
Phew! And then I will need to book myself a massage, because I'll be wrecked. And because March is turning out to be equally full of performances, so I gotta stay in condition. I've got 4 shows booked so far, 3 of them in a row! My goodness!
Hope to see some of your pretty faces in the crowd at these shows, please come say hi if I haven't met you.
Oh, and guess what? My parents are coming to see me perform at the Vancouver performance tonight, they've never seen me shake it live before, so look for the wide-eyed respectable-looking couple.
I'm off to Vancouver tonight after work to be in the First Annual Vancouver International Burlesque Festival! I can't wait to see what all these other amazing performers have to offer, it's not often our neck of the woods gets such an influx of talent like this.

Then on Saturday, I gotta scoot home on the ferry pretty early to get ready for my first of two Valentine's shows! I'll be doing vaudeville styled routines with the fabulous Lily Fawn, so I better dust off my taps shoes! I'll also be doing two burlesque numbers that night too, so fans of flesh, be there or be square.

Then I've got a couple days off to prepare for the actual Valentine's Day show at Lucky Bar on Tuesday with the Switchblade Valentine.

Phew! And then I will need to book myself a massage, because I'll be wrecked. And because March is turning out to be equally full of performances, so I gotta stay in condition. I've got 4 shows booked so far, 3 of them in a row! My goodness!
Hope to see some of your pretty faces in the crowd at these shows, please come say hi if I haven't met you.
Oh, and guess what? My parents are coming to see me perform at the Vancouver performance tonight, they've never seen me shake it live before, so look for the wide-eyed respectable-looking couple.

Thank you for the sweet comment you left on my set the other day. Sorry I didn't get to thank you earlier.

so have fun to stay in form!!!