Wow. What a crazy couple of weeks, where to start? I had an amazing time in Scotland, I will hopefully get around to uploading all my trip pics soon, and I'll tell you all about it then. And then my set went up the EXACT day I come home, what a fabulous welcome! Thank you all for your amazing comments, and thanks especially to London and Food Fight! Vegan Grocery for letting me shoot my set there, and not getting creeped out by me. I love that place so much, I would consider moving to Portland just so I could hang out there all the time. If only it was part of Canada....sigh.
Then I came home, and did two burlesque performances, one on Friday, and another on Saturday, a fundraiser for the Belfry Theatre, an awesome local theatre house in an old church, it rules, and I had the best time. I've been sewing like mad trying to fill orders for Coquette Faux Furriers, I can't believe how many orders we've got in the past week, it's insane. I am my own sweatshop! I have one more performance this Saturday at Lucky Bar for the book launch party for La Dolce Vegan, Sarah Kramer's new tasty cookbook. This book is even better than her first two, plus there's a picture of me in it, what more could you want? What's that you say? Vegetable-themed burlesque? Done! I'll see you there on Satuday at 7pm, be prepared to eat lots of tasty food from the book, and then dance it off with me and Mod Marty. How gorgeous is this woman?

Then I came home, and did two burlesque performances, one on Friday, and another on Saturday, a fundraiser for the Belfry Theatre, an awesome local theatre house in an old church, it rules, and I had the best time. I've been sewing like mad trying to fill orders for Coquette Faux Furriers, I can't believe how many orders we've got in the past week, it's insane. I am my own sweatshop! I have one more performance this Saturday at Lucky Bar for the book launch party for La Dolce Vegan, Sarah Kramer's new tasty cookbook. This book is even better than her first two, plus there's a picture of me in it, what more could you want? What's that you say? Vegetable-themed burlesque? Done! I'll see you there on Satuday at 7pm, be prepared to eat lots of tasty food from the book, and then dance it off with me and Mod Marty. How gorgeous is this woman?

wadewalker: were on TV today and I missed it. I blame the sleepatron.

aww thanks cutie