Words cannot express how rad William Shatner's new album is. I've had it for a while, but I was rocking out to it today, and just needed to share the love.
Personal fave songs: Ideal Woman, You'll Have Time, Common People - yes, he covers Pulp, in a spoken-wordy type way. How cool can this dude get? Seriously, Shatner is the man, and if you don't believe me, check out his coolest film Incubus, the entirety of which is filmed in Esperanto, the universal language:
Okay, Shatner rant aside, I watched the best movie tonight, and while it's not in Esperanto, you must watch it. It's called Flight From Death - The Quest for Immortality by Greg Bennick of Trial. Here's their synopsis:
Narrated by Gabriel Byrne (Usual Suspects, Vanity Fair, Miller's Crossing), this seven-time Best Documentary award-winning film (Silver Lake Film Festival, Beverly Hills Film Festival) is the most comprehensive and mind-blowing investigation of humankind's relationship with death ever captured on film. Hailed by many viewers as a "life-transformational film," Flight from Death uncovers death anxiety as a possible root cause of many of our behaviors on a psychological, spiritual, and cultural level.
On a more self-serving note, I'm selling off a bunch of costumes on eBay to raise money for a trip to Scotland next month, here's the first:
Bid generously here!

Personal fave songs: Ideal Woman, You'll Have Time, Common People - yes, he covers Pulp, in a spoken-wordy type way. How cool can this dude get? Seriously, Shatner is the man, and if you don't believe me, check out his coolest film Incubus, the entirety of which is filmed in Esperanto, the universal language:

Okay, Shatner rant aside, I watched the best movie tonight, and while it's not in Esperanto, you must watch it. It's called Flight From Death - The Quest for Immortality by Greg Bennick of Trial. Here's their synopsis:
Narrated by Gabriel Byrne (Usual Suspects, Vanity Fair, Miller's Crossing), this seven-time Best Documentary award-winning film (Silver Lake Film Festival, Beverly Hills Film Festival) is the most comprehensive and mind-blowing investigation of humankind's relationship with death ever captured on film. Hailed by many viewers as a "life-transformational film," Flight from Death uncovers death anxiety as a possible root cause of many of our behaviors on a psychological, spiritual, and cultural level.

On a more self-serving note, I'm selling off a bunch of costumes on eBay to raise money for a trip to Scotland next month, here's the first:

Bid generously here!
When are you coming to Scotland and which city are you visiting? I'd love to meet you!

On the events listing for Dead Inside, you've got the start time as 12:30 pm. Thats not right is it?