Hey everyone what's up? Man I've been busy these past few day's.
Sorry I've not written anyone back. About a week ago I seen one of my friend's from HS at the office. He came in and my jaw dropped!
Yep like that!!! We liked eachother but never really did anything in High School. He's still Hot. I felt Compelled to give him my number. He was so sweet, we talked a few minute's and since I was so damn nerves I told him I had to get to work so I kinda left it at that. He was all "okay" and left. He called me 3 day's after comming in.
What do they say about that? Doesn't that mean he like's me or something. I heard if a guy wait's a week, it's too long, if he calls the next day he's desperat, if he call's you within 3-4 day's he's interested in you.
Well, I already know he is now, but still.... He called me last Saturday and we talked about going out. He asked if I wanted to do something. I told him I'd let him know. I got busy and forgot about him. Oop's It's kind of funny, because he called me Wednesday and asked if I ended up doing anything. I told him "No" that I'd gotten busy. He said he didn't do anything either. Damn I'm so tired of not going for the thing's I WANT!!! He's cute, awesomly sweet, in shape (A MUST) I dont think he's bad enough. Also... He's a Blond!
Blond's dont have that "bad boy" thing going on.
Well, I'll figure thing's out. I am going over there later (I think) I was looking online for a Welding job for him. He just moved back from OKC and need's something NOW!
I found like 30 thing's for him. He kept saying thank you. He's just so polite. I think If I got with him, it would be weird for me because I'm so use to being treated like shit! I wouldn't know what to do and I would end up hurting him or just dumping him. I wonder how he Fuck's.
Gosh That's all I think about! I played with Mr.Pinky yesterday morning because I woke up wet as hell. I didn't even want to get out of bed to get him out of my jore. I'm tired of getting myself off. It's been too long since I had a "real man"
K Enough of that. I'm happy to announce that I got my Bravery shirt's in the mail today. I'm hoping to get my ticket's tomorrow. Depending if the office is open after I close the shop! I'm trying to get a clothing line out. Does anyone know anything about that? I dont have the froggiest idea how to get started!
I wish SG had a Frog, lol. I love these damn smilies! I wish It were easier to insert them! Uh well, it's okay.
K i'm going to let everyone go, I think I've caught everyone up on everything! Oh, yeah... My mom's comming into town. So I'm going to have to be on my Best Behavior, lol. She's an Ordained Minister. Yeah... One that Bitches, Gossip's and hasn't changed a bit from the Holly Roller mom I've alway's known!!! LMAO
LOVE YA MA! K love all ya bitch's and Write me! Geese!
I try not to let that drive me crazy, but sometimes it's hard!