Hello fellow member's of SG.com How art thou? Well, thing's are silent around here. Yep, My phone has been turned off and in order to pay rent, I must hold off on the phone. (Cell Phone) I've got to have a house line.
I dont know what I would do without it!
Anyhow, how was your week? Man, it went by fast for me. I guess because I was having FUN!
I'd love to hear what everyone did!
Me... Oh well I had my cousin stay with me for 3 day's. Mostly for my 8yr old daughter. She's excited to be going back to school here in 3 1/2 week's
So am I!
Gosh I feel like using smilies today! I'm in a good Mood! I did allot just today alone. I mowed the grass, cleaned up the back porch after that. I threw away my chest, It smelt like something had died in the back and I discovered that was it!
Seriously, It was aweful. Anyhow, I raked the front yard, my neighbor's thought I was on CRACK!
They need to make a new smiley, one that look's STONED! Hee hee! Anyhow, After that I came in, put a load of clothes in the washer. I cleaned my room and After this I'm going to go do dish's and then clean my daughter's room.
I had her clean it the other day but she doesn't do that well. Of corse thing's are under the dresser, desk, in the closet etc. If there's a hole or crack... There's something in it!
K I'm going to let all of you lovely people go and PLEASE PLEASE Tell me about your week!!!!