Wow, I had it out with my Slum Lord's Assistant I've nick named Cruella Deville. 
She's a Hag and Never liked me from the day we met. She thought I was Gothic, ha ha ha!

I thought it was funny. Anyhow, an inncident happened a few week's ago where I locked myself out of the house.

I called her and asked if she could come let me in. She explained that she had a client comming and that she would have a maitnence guy come by when he arrived at the office. I was like cool, an hour the most. I waited 15 minute's and said F* it,

lol. I used a screw driver and tapped the window till it cracked and I made a small chip out of the window, then I got a stick and was McGyver.

I had myself back in approx 5 minute's. The thing is the Bitch never called me back that day! So, I let it go since I'd gotten in and all. Then they wont come and fix anything so I didn't pay my rent this month.

She happens to send some Matinence dude over here when I'm gone. I come home to a note telling me that "he was here, sorry he missed me etc."

I called the office and she answered, I hung up hoping I would get my Land Lord, lol. I called the other number and she answered. Ahhh. I just told her I'm sorry I'd missed the Maitnence guy but that I didn't know he was comming.

She said in a rude voice "I called and left you several messages on your phone"

I was like, "What? No you DIDN'T" Getting pissed at eachother fixing to have a knock out Bitch Fit that we've needed to have for 2 year's now, she went off and started telling me that I was a "Pain in the rear, (lol) (yes those were her exact words)

and that I needed to come in and just pay my rent." I told her she needed to do her job and 2 month's ago needed to get someone out here to fix the shit that was fucking up then. She said I just needed to pay my rent or I was going to be EVICTED.

That did it for me. I told her I was wasn't affraid and that I would be in there Monday Morning to sign a 30 day notice. There's only one problem,

I dont know where to go, Eeek! Uh well, I'm tired of the shit. I might go to live with my mom at the end of the World in Kansas.

Mulberry Kansas. Uhhuh It's smaller then my T- Town I'm living in right now.

You can drive thru it in 10 minute's, no shitting you.
Anyhow, I'm trying to get ahold of Mike to see what the plan's are for tonight.
I want to hang out. I need the sceanery. If you know what I mean.
I just need to be in that Environment. My people, Hmmm I need some Good Lovin!K i'm going to call it for now and get going. I'm going to go swimming at my girl friend's house and hope to drink some.
I love you all.
Monica Has Left The Internet!