Today was ok... Although Monday night was all crazy! My guy went out of town for work and he wasn't expected back till Wednesday! K well I had an old friend I had not seen in like 5 month's. I asked him if he felt like watching a movie at my place with me. He said sure. So he came over about 9pm and well... Yancy, "my guy" call's about 9:15 and ask's what I'm doing. I told him I was about to watch a movie. About that time Micheal my friend said something and Yancy heard him in the back ground. He asked who was here. I told him an old friend. He was like hmm. He asked if it was cool that he came over. I told him of corse. He said isn't it going to be odd with Micheal here. I said I could fix that. I figured he wouldn't mind leaving us two alone for a bit and coming back some other day. He's never doing anything anyhow. So... Making a long story short. Yancy came over and was all looking around my house. Then he pulled the collar of my shirt out and asked if I had a bra on. Hmm, guess he doesn't trust me.Well I'm going to have a talk with him. I need to know if this is something seriouse or what. I dont like being misled but when he want's something... it's JUMP! Hmmm! K well all of you have an awesome day and wish me luck with Yancy! 

OH and here is the SGOK link, this is how I hear about some of the shite goin' on around here....