Hey everyone, Today was a SHITTY Day for me! I'm now single and learning all the trick's of the trade. My X isn't helping me get a break from the girl's and my family suck's! I'm broke, running out of food and my sister came over today and said she was hungry (to make a long story short) I offered what I had in my frige and the stew I made which wasn't much. She called and ordered a personal bread platter something, something (like pizza) just for herself! My 7 yr old was like Ohh pizza, and I told her It wasn't pizza, her heart was broken because we have been living off of stew and canned good's for 3 day's now. I was pissed. K Well there's so much more I dont want to get into it. I know I can't really start a story without ending it, but I'll just write more tomorrow when I'm not as upset. I think I'll be in better spirit's! I just needed to whine a little. K I'm good. Hope all of you have a good day! Peace.

Man, sounds similar to the last few months of my life.
Hope you're feeling better. Take care.