Your gender: I have boobs and a 'vina.
Straight/gay/bi: Bi.
Single: Married.
Want to be: Nope.
Your birth day: 02/04/1983
Age you act: 25
Age you wish you were: 5
Your height: 5'4
The colour of your eyes: Green/Blue/Grey
Happy with it: I want brown eyes.
The colour of your hair: Brown w/ blonde highlights.
Happy with it: Nah. Never am.
Left/right/ambidextrous: Right.
Your living arrangement: Me unless its the weekends.
What's your job: Student.
Piercings: 10g earrings.
Tattoos: 7
Obsessions: Look to the left.
Pets: 2 cats.
A must have accessory: Makeup.
Do you speak another language: Nope.
Have a favourite quote: NA
Do you have a webpage: Yes.
Do you live in the moment: Yes.
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others: Eh, depends on the person.
Do you have any secrets: Nope.
Do you hate yourself? Sometimes.
Do you like your handwriting: Not at all.
Do you have any bad habits: Yes.
What is the compliment you get most from people: People love my eyes. Take 'em.
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: Something porno minus the sex.
What's your biggest fear? Dying.
Can you sing: Anyone can in the shower.
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool: No.
Are you a loner: Most of the time.
If you were another person, would you be friends with you: Yeah cos I pity myself. (And Steve, shaddup.)
Are you a daredevil: Nope.
Are you passive or aggressive: Both.
What is your greatest strength and weakness? Strength? NA. Weaknesses? NA.
If you could change one thing about yourself?: My boobs.
There are three wells: Love, mind, strength which one do you choose: Strength.
How do you vent? Smoke and cry.
Do you think you are emotionally strong: Not at all.
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life: Not being able to say goodbye to my grandparents.
Do you think life has been good so far: Sometimes.
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life: NA.
What do you like the most about your body?: My eyes.
And least: My ass.
Do you think you are good looking: Sometimes.
Are you confident: Sometimes.
What is the fictional character you're most like: NA.
Do people know how you feel: Sometimes, but rarely. I hate burdening people with my problems.
Are you perceived wrongly: Yeah.
Smoke: Constantly.
Do drugs: Used to.
Read the newspaper: Yes.
Pray: Depends.
Go to church? On holidays.
Talk to strangers who IM you: If they actually have something to talk about.
Sleep with stuffed animals: Nope, only my cats.
Take walks in the rain: No, I get sick easily.
Talk to people even though you hate them: Yes, to piss them off.
Drive: Nope.
Like to drive fast: NA.
Liked your voice: No, its deep.
Hurt yourself: Yes.
Been out of the country: NA.
Eaten something that made other people sick: Really bloody steak. Something I won't do again.
Burped: I just did.
Been unfaithful: Not at all.
Been in love: Am now.
Gone skinny dipping: Yes, I love it.
Had a surgery: Does oral surgery count?
Ran away from home: No.
Played strip poker: Yes.
Beat someone up? Nope.
Gotten beaten up: Nope.
Been picked on: Yeah cos I used to be REAL flatchested.
Been on stage: Yes for orchestra.
Been so drunk that you know you're supposed to go out on a date with someone, but you can't remember with who or when, and that you faint when you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning, not to mention your breath: I don't forget things when I drink.
Slept outdoors: Camping and on the streets of Philly.
Thought about suicide: Used to.
Pulled an all-nighter: Yep.
If yes, what is your record: 7 times or so.
Gone one day without food: Yeah.
Talked on the phone all night: Yep.
Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex: Yeah but that was long ago.
Slept all day? Yea.
Killed someone: In my head.
Made out with a stranger: Yes.
Had sex with a stranger: Yes.
Thought you're going crazy: Yea.
Kissed the same sex: Mhm.
Done anything sexual with the same sex: Drr.
Been betrayed: YES.
Had a dream that came true: Yes, a lot.
Broken the law: Got arrested when I was 14.
Met a famous person: Bands don't count.
Have you ever killed an animal by accident: Nope.
Stolen anything: Yes.
Been on radio/TV.: Yes.
Been in a mosh-pit: No. I'm tiny.
Considered religious vocation: NO.
Had sex: No, I'm married. We don't do that.
Been criticized about your sexual performance: Nope.
Bungee jumped: Yes.
Had a dream that kept coming back: Yes!
Shoe brand: Chucks or Adidas.
Brand of clothing: Whatevers hot.
Do you wear cologne: No. I don't have a cock.
Do you wear perfume: Yes.
Favourite jewellery: Just my earrings. Wedding ring doesnt fit me.
Wear hats: Visors.
Judge other people by their clothing: All the time.
Wear make-up: YES.
Favourite place to shop: Nordstrom and Sephora when I have money.
Favourite article of clothing: Does my Coach purse count?
Are you trendy: Haa I'm starting to be.
Would you rather wear a uniform to school: Yeah so I dont have to impress people with clothes and kids won't get shot up for having certain things.
Believe in life on other planets: Nope.
Miracles: No..
Astrology: No.
Magic: Nope.
God? : Sometimes.
Satan: No.
Santa: Hi Mom and Dad!
Ghosts: Yes
Luck: In card games.
Love at first sight: Yes
Yin and Yang: Yea
Witches: No.
Easter bunny: No.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever: Yeah.
Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow: Nope.
Do you wish on stars: Depends.
Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title: No.
Do you remember your first love: Yea
Still love him/her: Yea, I'm married to him.
Do you consider love a mistake: Nope.
What do you find romantic? butt secks.
Turn-on: Sexy stomach..
Turn-off: Feet.
Do you base your judgement on looks alone: Nope.
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going "blind": Knowing someone.
Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out: NA.
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive?: Yea.
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking: Uh, I think so.
What is best about the opposite sex: PENIS! Jk. I dont know.
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex? Barely understand half the time.
What's the last present someone gave you: A video game.
Are you in love: Yes.
Do you consider your significant other hot: Yep.
What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot guy/girl standing on the sidewalk: Keep walking.
That haunted you: Random people.
You wanted to kill: NA.
That you laughed at: Mike.
That laughed at you: Mike.
That turned you on: Mike.
Okay the rest of the questions would've had Mikes name in it so I'm skipping that.
your full name:: Rachel H.
Age:: 22
Height:: 5'4. I swear that was one of the first questions.
Number of siblings:: 2 brothers, one sister.
Tattoos:: Again, READ ABOVE HONKIE.
Braces?:: No
Colour:: Pink.
Band:: Eh, no idea.
Video game:: Excitebike
TV show:: King of Queens.
Movie:: Anchorman
Book:: I'm illiterate.
Food:: A nice steak or sushi.
Game on a cell phone:: NA. I use mine to MAKE PHONE CALLS, not for everything else.
CD cover:: NA.
Flower:: Calalillys. <3333
Scent:: Vanilla.
Animal:: Cats.
Comic book:: XMen.
Cereal:: Honey Nut Cheerios.
Website:: Mine.
Cartoon:: Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
Play an instrument?:: Violin.
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?:: No.
Like to sing?:: Yes
Have a job?:: No.
Have a cell phone?:: Yeah can't wait to get rid of it.
Like to play sports?:: If I'm around people that do it, I will.
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:: A husband.
Have a crush on someone?:: Yes.
Live somewhere NOT in the united states?:: NA.
Have more than 5 TVs in your house?:: No.
Have any special talents/skills?:: I can type fast.
Excercise daily?:: 3 times a week.
Like school?:: Yes, thats why I'm starting college this week.
Sing the alphabet backwards?:: Nope. I'm not dyslexic.
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?:: Yes.
Speak any other languages?:: NA.
Read music, not just tabs?:: Yes.
Roll your tongue?:: No.
Eat a whole pizza?:: Mmmm.
Snuck out of the house?:: I'm older than that.
Cried to get out of trouble?:: HA.
Gotten lost in your city?:: No.
Seen a shooting star?:: A few.
Been to any other countries besides the united states?:: No.
Had a serious surgery?:: No.
Stolen something important to someone else?:: Fuck no.
Solved a rubiks cube?:: No.
Gone out in public in your pajamas?:: Nah.
Cried over a girl?:: No.
Cried over a boy?:: Yea. Stupid boys hurting me!
Kissed a random stranger?:: Not lately.
Hugged a random stranger?:: Yea
Been in a fist fight?:: No.
Been arrested?:: Yes.
Done drugs?:: READ ABOVE.
Had alcohol?:: Yeah. Still hungover.
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?:: No.
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?:: Yeah.
Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?:: Nope. Did that at work though.
Swore at your parents?:: Yeah, we always curse like pirates..
My God, no ones going to read all of this...
Brushed your teeth:: A few minutes ago.
Went to the bathroom:: A half hour ago.
Read a book:: For school a day ago.
Had a snow day:: No such thing as that down here.
Had a party:: Never have.
Had a slumber party:: NA.
Anyone up for one? YES.
Made fun of someone:: All the time.
Tripped in front of someone:: Yeah just last night.
Went to the grocery store:: Last week.
Got sick:: January had the flu.
Cursed:: Before Mike went to bed.
Fruit/vegetables:: Veggies.
Black/white:: Black
Lights on/lights off:: During sex, off. Otherwise, on.
TV/movie:: TV.
Car/truck:: Car
Body spray/lotion:: Lotion
Cash/check:: Debit card.
Pillows/blankets:: Pillows.
Headache/stomach ache:: Stomach ache.
Paint/charcoal:: Charcoal.
Chinese food/mexican food:: Chinese. They both make you shit equally bad.
Summer/winter:: Spring.
Snow/rain:: Snow.
Fog/misty:: Fog.
Rock/rap:: Both.
Meat/vegetarian:: Meat.
Boy/girl:: Girl.
Chocolate/vanilla:: Chocolate.
Sprinkles/icing:: Sprinkles.
Cake/pie:: Cake
French toast/french fries:: French Fries
Strawberries/blueberries:: Blueberries
Ocean/swimming pool:: Pool.
Hugs/kisses:: Sloppy kisses.
Cookies/muffins:: Cookies.
p33n/bewbz:: Bewbz n00bs.
Wallet/pocket:: Pocket..
Window/door:: Window.
Emo/goth:: Anything but those two.
Pink/purple:: Pink.
Cat/dog: Cat.
Long sleeve/short sleeve:: Beater.
Pants/shorts:: Pants
Winter break/spring break:: Spring.
Spring/autumn:: Fall.
Clouds/clear sky:: Clear Sky = Sun.
Moon/mars:: Moon
Fuck the friends portion of this. Mike is the only one I have.
Fuck the love part, too.
Slippers:: Playboy.
Hat:: bad hair.
Hard:: Cock.
Free:: Boobs.
Space:: Moon.
Taste:: Sweet.
Good charlotte:: Maryland.
Red:: Period.
Deep:: Vagina.
Heart:: Blood.
Cord:: Strangle.
Cheese:: Swiss.
Rain:: Puddles.
Work:: Cash money.
Pedal:: Bike.
Head:: Brain.
Bed:: Sex.
Fluff:: Blanket.
Hardcore:: PRON.
Race:: Equal.
Knife:: Steve..
Jump:: Fall.
am:: Horny.
want:: Food.
need:: A shirt.
crave:: a Massage.
love:: Mike.
hate:: My ass.
did:: Mike.
feel:: Cold.
miss:: New tattoos.
am annoyed by:: This survey.
would rather:: In Bed.
am tired of:: Cooking.
will always:: Sleep away the day.
What is your favourite genre of music?:: Rock or Rap.
What time is it now?:: 1:47am.
What day is it?:: Sunday/Monday
Whens the last time you called someone?:: This morning.
How much money do you have right now?:: $0. Damn you, Waffle House.
Are you hungry?:: YES. I think I have a tapeworm cos I eat and eat all day.
Whatcha doin?:: Hating on this survey and about to look at porn.
Do you like parades?:: I like candy.
Do you like the moon?:: No.
What are you going to do when youre done with this?:: Mbate.
Isnt cup a funny word when you repeat it over and over?:: Penis is funny.
If you could have any magical power what would it be?:: Kill some people and not get sent to jail.
Have you ever had a picnic?:: When I was young.
Did you ever have one of those skip-its when you were young?:: No, sucked at em.
What about sock em boppers?:: No.
Are you wearing any socks right now?:: Nope.
funny?:: Nah.
pretty?:: Sometimes.
sarcastic?:: All the time.
lazy?:: Yes.
hyper?:: Rarely.
friendly?:: Yes.
evil?:: Sometimes.
smart?:: Sometimes.
strong?:: No.
talented?:: No.
dorky?:: Yesh.
suicide:: Against.
love:: For.
drunk drivers:: AGAINST.
airplanes:: For.
war:: Against if Bush is in office.
canada:: For.
united states:: For.
rock music:: For.
gay marriage:: For.
school:: For.
surveys:: I'm on the fence here.
parents:: FOR.
cars:: Against.
killing:: Against.
britney spears:: For, sometimes.
coffee:: For.
pants:: Against.
Sky dive?:: No.
Play strip poker?:: Please stop repeating for I'll make killing a "for" above.
Run away?:: No.
Curse at a teacher?:: does throwing a desk count?
Not take a shower for a week?:: Probably not.
Ask someone out?:: A girl, sure.
Lie to someone to make them think better of you?:: No.
Visit a foreign country for more than a month?:: Ok.
Go scuba diving?:: No. I'm terrified of water.
Write a book?:: No. I'm boring.
Become a rockstar?:: Nah.
Have casual sex?:: I used to.
What shampoo do you use?:: Redken. Expensive crap. :\
What kind of computer do you have?:: Mac.
What grade are you in?:: College freshmang.
Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies?:: No, thats a waste.
Or just make out?:: NA. I don't go to movies.
How many posters do you have in your room?:: None.
How many cds do you have?: A lot.
Whens the last time you did something sexual with the opposite sex?:: An hour ago.
Your gender: I have boobs and a 'vina.
Straight/gay/bi: Bi.
Single: Married.
Want to be: Nope.
Your birth day: 02/04/1983
Age you act: 25
Age you wish you were: 5
Your height: 5'4
The colour of your eyes: Green/Blue/Grey
Happy with it: I want brown eyes.
The colour of your hair: Brown w/ blonde highlights.
Happy with it: Nah. Never am.
Left/right/ambidextrous: Right.
Your living arrangement: Me unless its the weekends.
What's your job: Student.
Piercings: 10g earrings.
Tattoos: 7
Obsessions: Look to the left.
Pets: 2 cats.
A must have accessory: Makeup.
Do you speak another language: Nope.
Have a favourite quote: NA
Do you have a webpage: Yes.
Do you live in the moment: Yes.
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others: Eh, depends on the person.
Do you have any secrets: Nope.
Do you hate yourself? Sometimes.
Do you like your handwriting: Not at all.
Do you have any bad habits: Yes.
What is the compliment you get most from people: People love my eyes. Take 'em.
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: Something porno minus the sex.
What's your biggest fear? Dying.
Can you sing: Anyone can in the shower.
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool: No.
Are you a loner: Most of the time.
If you were another person, would you be friends with you: Yeah cos I pity myself. (And Steve, shaddup.)
Are you a daredevil: Nope.
Are you passive or aggressive: Both.
What is your greatest strength and weakness? Strength? NA. Weaknesses? NA.
If you could change one thing about yourself?: My boobs.
There are three wells: Love, mind, strength which one do you choose: Strength.
How do you vent? Smoke and cry.
Do you think you are emotionally strong: Not at all.
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life: Not being able to say goodbye to my grandparents.
Do you think life has been good so far: Sometimes.
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life: NA.
What do you like the most about your body?: My eyes.
And least: My ass.
Do you think you are good looking: Sometimes.
Are you confident: Sometimes.
What is the fictional character you're most like: NA.
Do people know how you feel: Sometimes, but rarely. I hate burdening people with my problems.
Are you perceived wrongly: Yeah.
Smoke: Constantly.
Do drugs: Used to.
Read the newspaper: Yes.
Pray: Depends.
Go to church? On holidays.
Talk to strangers who IM you: If they actually have something to talk about.
Sleep with stuffed animals: Nope, only my cats.
Take walks in the rain: No, I get sick easily.
Talk to people even though you hate them: Yes, to piss them off.
Drive: Nope.
Like to drive fast: NA.
Liked your voice: No, its deep.
Hurt yourself: Yes.
Been out of the country: NA.
Eaten something that made other people sick: Really bloody steak. Something I won't do again.
Burped: I just did.
Been unfaithful: Not at all.
Been in love: Am now.
Gone skinny dipping: Yes, I love it.
Had a surgery: Does oral surgery count?
Ran away from home: No.
Played strip poker: Yes.
Beat someone up? Nope.
Gotten beaten up: Nope.
Been picked on: Yeah cos I used to be REAL flatchested.
Been on stage: Yes for orchestra.
Been so drunk that you know you're supposed to go out on a date with someone, but you can't remember with who or when, and that you faint when you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning, not to mention your breath: I don't forget things when I drink.
Slept outdoors: Camping and on the streets of Philly.
Thought about suicide: Used to.
Pulled an all-nighter: Yep.
If yes, what is your record: 7 times or so.
Gone one day without food: Yeah.
Talked on the phone all night: Yep.
Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex: Yeah but that was long ago.

Slept all day? Yea.
Killed someone: In my head.
Made out with a stranger: Yes.
Had sex with a stranger: Yes.
Thought you're going crazy: Yea.
Kissed the same sex: Mhm.
Done anything sexual with the same sex: Drr.
Been betrayed: YES.
Had a dream that came true: Yes, a lot.
Broken the law: Got arrested when I was 14.
Met a famous person: Bands don't count.
Have you ever killed an animal by accident: Nope.
Stolen anything: Yes.
Been on radio/TV.: Yes.
Been in a mosh-pit: No. I'm tiny.
Considered religious vocation: NO.
Had sex: No, I'm married. We don't do that.
Been criticized about your sexual performance: Nope.
Bungee jumped: Yes.
Had a dream that kept coming back: Yes!
Shoe brand: Chucks or Adidas.
Brand of clothing: Whatevers hot.
Do you wear cologne: No. I don't have a cock.
Do you wear perfume: Yes.
Favourite jewellery: Just my earrings. Wedding ring doesnt fit me.
Wear hats: Visors.
Judge other people by their clothing: All the time.
Wear make-up: YES.
Favourite place to shop: Nordstrom and Sephora when I have money.
Favourite article of clothing: Does my Coach purse count?
Are you trendy: Haa I'm starting to be.
Would you rather wear a uniform to school: Yeah so I dont have to impress people with clothes and kids won't get shot up for having certain things.
Believe in life on other planets: Nope.
Miracles: No..
Astrology: No.
Magic: Nope.
God? : Sometimes.
Satan: No.
Santa: Hi Mom and Dad!

Ghosts: Yes
Luck: In card games.
Love at first sight: Yes
Yin and Yang: Yea
Witches: No.
Easter bunny: No.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever: Yeah.
Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow: Nope.
Do you wish on stars: Depends.
Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title: No.
Do you remember your first love: Yea
Still love him/her: Yea, I'm married to him.
Do you consider love a mistake: Nope.
What do you find romantic? butt secks.
Turn-on: Sexy stomach..
Turn-off: Feet.
Do you base your judgement on looks alone: Nope.
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going "blind": Knowing someone.
Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out: NA.
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive?: Yea.
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking: Uh, I think so.
What is best about the opposite sex: PENIS! Jk. I dont know.
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex? Barely understand half the time.
What's the last present someone gave you: A video game.
Are you in love: Yes.
Do you consider your significant other hot: Yep.

What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot guy/girl standing on the sidewalk: Keep walking.
That haunted you: Random people.
You wanted to kill: NA.
That you laughed at: Mike.
That laughed at you: Mike.
That turned you on: Mike.
Okay the rest of the questions would've had Mikes name in it so I'm skipping that.
your full name:: Rachel H.
Age:: 22
Height:: 5'4. I swear that was one of the first questions.
Number of siblings:: 2 brothers, one sister.
Tattoos:: Again, READ ABOVE HONKIE.
Braces?:: No
Colour:: Pink.
Band:: Eh, no idea.
Video game:: Excitebike
TV show:: King of Queens.
Movie:: Anchorman
Book:: I'm illiterate.
Food:: A nice steak or sushi.
Game on a cell phone:: NA. I use mine to MAKE PHONE CALLS, not for everything else.
CD cover:: NA.
Flower:: Calalillys. <3333
Scent:: Vanilla.
Animal:: Cats.
Comic book:: XMen.
Cereal:: Honey Nut Cheerios.
Website:: Mine.
Cartoon:: Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
Play an instrument?:: Violin.
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?:: No.
Like to sing?:: Yes
Have a job?:: No.
Have a cell phone?:: Yeah can't wait to get rid of it.
Like to play sports?:: If I'm around people that do it, I will.
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:: A husband.
Have a crush on someone?:: Yes.
Live somewhere NOT in the united states?:: NA.
Have more than 5 TVs in your house?:: No.
Have any special talents/skills?:: I can type fast.
Excercise daily?:: 3 times a week.
Like school?:: Yes, thats why I'm starting college this week.
Sing the alphabet backwards?:: Nope. I'm not dyslexic.
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?:: Yes.
Speak any other languages?:: NA.
Read music, not just tabs?:: Yes.
Roll your tongue?:: No.
Eat a whole pizza?:: Mmmm.
Snuck out of the house?:: I'm older than that.
Cried to get out of trouble?:: HA.
Gotten lost in your city?:: No.
Seen a shooting star?:: A few.
Been to any other countries besides the united states?:: No.
Had a serious surgery?:: No.
Stolen something important to someone else?:: Fuck no.
Solved a rubiks cube?:: No.
Gone out in public in your pajamas?:: Nah.
Cried over a girl?:: No.
Cried over a boy?:: Yea. Stupid boys hurting me!
Kissed a random stranger?:: Not lately.
Hugged a random stranger?:: Yea
Been in a fist fight?:: No.
Been arrested?:: Yes.
Done drugs?:: READ ABOVE.
Had alcohol?:: Yeah. Still hungover.
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?:: No.
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?:: Yeah.
Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?:: Nope. Did that at work though.
Swore at your parents?:: Yeah, we always curse like pirates..
My God, no ones going to read all of this...
Brushed your teeth:: A few minutes ago.
Went to the bathroom:: A half hour ago.
Read a book:: For school a day ago.
Had a snow day:: No such thing as that down here.
Had a party:: Never have.
Had a slumber party:: NA.
Anyone up for one? YES.
Made fun of someone:: All the time.
Tripped in front of someone:: Yeah just last night.
Went to the grocery store:: Last week.
Got sick:: January had the flu.
Cursed:: Before Mike went to bed.
Fruit/vegetables:: Veggies.
Black/white:: Black
Lights on/lights off:: During sex, off. Otherwise, on.
TV/movie:: TV.
Car/truck:: Car
Body spray/lotion:: Lotion
Cash/check:: Debit card.
Pillows/blankets:: Pillows.
Headache/stomach ache:: Stomach ache.
Paint/charcoal:: Charcoal.
Chinese food/mexican food:: Chinese. They both make you shit equally bad.
Summer/winter:: Spring.
Snow/rain:: Snow.
Fog/misty:: Fog.
Rock/rap:: Both.
Meat/vegetarian:: Meat.
Boy/girl:: Girl.
Chocolate/vanilla:: Chocolate.
Sprinkles/icing:: Sprinkles.
Cake/pie:: Cake
French toast/french fries:: French Fries
Strawberries/blueberries:: Blueberries
Ocean/swimming pool:: Pool.
Hugs/kisses:: Sloppy kisses.
Cookies/muffins:: Cookies.
p33n/bewbz:: Bewbz n00bs.
Wallet/pocket:: Pocket..
Window/door:: Window.
Emo/goth:: Anything but those two.
Pink/purple:: Pink.
Cat/dog: Cat.
Long sleeve/short sleeve:: Beater.
Pants/shorts:: Pants
Winter break/spring break:: Spring.
Spring/autumn:: Fall.
Clouds/clear sky:: Clear Sky = Sun.
Moon/mars:: Moon
Fuck the friends portion of this. Mike is the only one I have.
Fuck the love part, too.
Slippers:: Playboy.
Hat:: bad hair.
Hard:: Cock.
Free:: Boobs.
Space:: Moon.
Taste:: Sweet.
Good charlotte:: Maryland.
Red:: Period.
Deep:: Vagina.
Heart:: Blood.
Cord:: Strangle.
Cheese:: Swiss.
Rain:: Puddles.
Work:: Cash money.
Pedal:: Bike.
Head:: Brain.
Bed:: Sex.
Fluff:: Blanket.
Hardcore:: PRON.
Race:: Equal.
Knife:: Steve..

Jump:: Fall.
am:: Horny.
want:: Food.
need:: A shirt.
crave:: a Massage.
love:: Mike.
hate:: My ass.
did:: Mike.
feel:: Cold.
miss:: New tattoos.
am annoyed by:: This survey.
would rather:: In Bed.
am tired of:: Cooking.
will always:: Sleep away the day.
What is your favourite genre of music?:: Rock or Rap.
What time is it now?:: 1:47am.
What day is it?:: Sunday/Monday
Whens the last time you called someone?:: This morning.
How much money do you have right now?:: $0. Damn you, Waffle House.
Are you hungry?:: YES. I think I have a tapeworm cos I eat and eat all day.
Whatcha doin?:: Hating on this survey and about to look at porn.
Do you like parades?:: I like candy.
Do you like the moon?:: No.
What are you going to do when youre done with this?:: Mbate.
Isnt cup a funny word when you repeat it over and over?:: Penis is funny.
If you could have any magical power what would it be?:: Kill some people and not get sent to jail.
Have you ever had a picnic?:: When I was young.
Did you ever have one of those skip-its when you were young?:: No, sucked at em.
What about sock em boppers?:: No.
Are you wearing any socks right now?:: Nope.
funny?:: Nah.
pretty?:: Sometimes.
sarcastic?:: All the time.
lazy?:: Yes.
hyper?:: Rarely.
friendly?:: Yes.
evil?:: Sometimes.
smart?:: Sometimes.
strong?:: No.
talented?:: No.
dorky?:: Yesh.
suicide:: Against.
love:: For.
drunk drivers:: AGAINST.
airplanes:: For.
war:: Against if Bush is in office.
canada:: For.
united states:: For.
rock music:: For.
gay marriage:: For.
school:: For.
surveys:: I'm on the fence here.
parents:: FOR.
cars:: Against.
killing:: Against.
britney spears:: For, sometimes.
coffee:: For.
pants:: Against.
Sky dive?:: No.
Play strip poker?:: Please stop repeating for I'll make killing a "for" above.
Run away?:: No.
Curse at a teacher?:: does throwing a desk count?
Not take a shower for a week?:: Probably not.
Ask someone out?:: A girl, sure.
Lie to someone to make them think better of you?:: No.
Visit a foreign country for more than a month?:: Ok.
Go scuba diving?:: No. I'm terrified of water.
Write a book?:: No. I'm boring.
Become a rockstar?:: Nah.
Have casual sex?:: I used to.
What shampoo do you use?:: Redken. Expensive crap. :\
What kind of computer do you have?:: Mac.
What grade are you in?:: College freshmang.
Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies?:: No, thats a waste.
Or just make out?:: NA. I don't go to movies.
How many posters do you have in your room?:: None.
How many cds do you have?: A lot.
Whens the last time you did something sexual with the opposite sex?:: An hour ago.
anyway, hi.
hope all is well in your neck of the woods.... we might be seeing you this weekend....