Damn you furnace, DAMN YOU I SAY!! The pilot light just can't seem to stay lit. So it's been the making of a not so happy broad or a warm one for that matter.
Thank you Stirfry for turning me on......well to SG that is
I haven't had much time to cruise it. I blame work and my recent need of wanting to go out at night to drink a few too many PBRs! I'll fix all that in due time.
But right now......on to fixing the furnace
Thank you Stirfry for turning me on......well to SG that is
I haven't had much time to cruise it. I blame work and my recent need of wanting to go out at night to drink a few too many PBRs! I'll fix all that in due time.
But right now......on to fixing the furnace
Not sure if that band is from around here. Yeah, old men sure do know how to fill there jukeboxes, either with great classic country which I love like Hank Snow, Buck Owens or some Johnny Paycheck or hell Willie Nelson will do just fine! I do like the Hellacopters. Seen them play once of twice too. A vinyl you should get of there's is Grande Rock. It's a kick ass one. Have a good day, sweetie!!
Great, send that picture along.