Hooray! I got the job. And I'm going to be making more than I make right now, and more than what they originally told me. This is great. I couldn't be happier. I start June 15th, which is the last day I will be paid through from my other job, so I'm not even going to have a lapse in pay. Now I get to spend my bonus on an exotic vacation, or something fancy for my house. What should I buy?
My new job is right next to Ameoba records on Sunset Blvd in Hollywood, with my first check I'm going to go there and buy all these cd's I've been dreaming of. I think I'll finally replace my Beltones and One Man Army cd's, get some more Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. Oh, and I am going to buy these shoes.
Or maybe I will buy the shoes now to wear at my celebration party! Who wants to come?
My new job is right next to Ameoba records on Sunset Blvd in Hollywood, with my first check I'm going to go there and buy all these cd's I've been dreaming of. I think I'll finally replace my Beltones and One Man Army cd's, get some more Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. Oh, and I am going to buy these shoes.

Or maybe I will buy the shoes now to wear at my celebration party! Who wants to come?
I cant wait til I move to cali..I hear there's way more jobs open there then here.
yes to be young again hmmmmmmmm..........
hey i got new gravel under my clothes line
only you would understand the joy in that!!!