Ok, so no one wants to talk to me since I don't have any pictures posted, but every damn picture I try to post is over the size limit or something because it never updates. So you have encouraged me to post a misleading picture...
Ugh, I hate computers. So if you really need a picture to be my friend, I suppose I could send you one if I really felt like it. Oh, and I'm sick of my profile telling me I have no friends. ha-ha
Sorry for all the complaints, I guess I'm in a bad mood today.
Why do you have to have five favorite SG girls? Why can't you just have one?
Ugh, I hate computers. So if you really need a picture to be my friend, I suppose I could send you one if I really felt like it. Oh, and I'm sick of my profile telling me I have no friends. ha-ha
Sorry for all the complaints, I guess I'm in a bad mood today.
Why do you have to have five favorite SG girls? Why can't you just have one?
Thanx for adding me back! I only wanted to have three favorite SG's so I feel ya there. It's weird because I've noticed that some members do only have 2, 3, or 4 favorite SG's listed. I have no idea how they do it, cause I couldn't seem to figure it out.