Wow! Every Liberal on the planet should read this book! How refreshing to read that more and more folks in the "ghetto" are starting to wise up and see Liberalism for what it truly is! It is hard to pick just one passage to highlight from this book because there are just so many of them, but here is a fantastic and oh so true quote.
"Now, I ask you, what is a more racist point of view - the Republican attitude that says, "Hey, if I can do it, you can to do it." or the Democratic viewpoint that says, "We cannot make it without government?"
All people, black and white should really get to know this woman. She is truly remarkable!
"Now, I ask you, what is a more racist point of view - the Republican attitude that says, "Hey, if I can do it, you can to do it." or the Democratic viewpoint that says, "We cannot make it without government?"

All people, black and white should really get to know this woman. She is truly remarkable!