Two stories in the local paper have caught my eye recently. The first being Conyers Police arrest man for panhandling. The posts following the article show that the locals are torn between what should have been done here. I used to have sympathy for these people, but as I get older and wiser I'm beginning to lose my patience with them. I work inside the perimeter in Atlanta and the police in Fulton and Dekalb counties just simply ignore these folks. Their everywhere! I surely don't want that trend to continue here in the suburbs.
I don't pretend to have all the answers as to what to do with these people. But being homeless and helpless in this day and age is just simply unacceptable! With all the churches and government programs available there is just no reason these people need to be on the street.I don't feel this way simply because I'm an "evil Republican". I feel this way because I took the time to educate myself. We all have an equal opportunity to thrive in this country. One cannot spend his youth drinking and doing drugs and then wake up one day and decide to push his problems off on somebody else. I spent my early 20's couch surfing because I choose to. I had family that would have helped but I was young and strung out, and didn't want their help. I understand that not everybody has family to fall back on. But I do know one thing for sure. Where there's a will there is ALWAYS a way. If you want to better yourself SOMEBODY will help you get on the right path. Standing on the street corner begging for money is not the answer. Hang out in a library and read. Try to educate yourself. And McDonalds is ALWAYS hiring!
The next story is even a little more puzzling than the first Locals plan protest of high gas prices. This is just simply silly. I know and work quite well with the leader of this organization. Even though she is a Democrat, we get along and work pretty well together on some local issues. She has a great spirit and her heart is in the right place. But I'm afraid her actions here just display her ignorance on the matter. Protesting a local merchant is not the right way to go. It's kind of amusing to me that a group of DEMOCRATS is protesting the high gas prices when it is there beloved Obama that is mostly responsible for them.
The high gas prices are a result of several complex issues. One being the morons on Wall Street that call themselves "speculators" but a lot of the blame also lies with the Lefts unwillingness to drill here. Plus you have the drilling ban in the gulf, coupled with Obama's complete and utter disdain for those "evil oil companies". Oil companies and profits are not the culprit here. Anybody with half a brain should understand that. OPEC warned us not to print more money and the Fed did it anyway. Which in turn caused inflation , which in turn caused gas and food prices to rise. Now, I don't think we should obey every command from OPEC. But considering they set the oil prices, I think maybe when they come out and say don't do something that perhaps we ought to take it under consideration.
One thing I'm sure of. Is the fact that these protesters will roll up to this protest each driving their own SUV's. Kind of ironic don't you think?
I don't pretend to have all the answers as to what to do with these people. But being homeless and helpless in this day and age is just simply unacceptable! With all the churches and government programs available there is just no reason these people need to be on the street.I don't feel this way simply because I'm an "evil Republican". I feel this way because I took the time to educate myself. We all have an equal opportunity to thrive in this country. One cannot spend his youth drinking and doing drugs and then wake up one day and decide to push his problems off on somebody else. I spent my early 20's couch surfing because I choose to. I had family that would have helped but I was young and strung out, and didn't want their help. I understand that not everybody has family to fall back on. But I do know one thing for sure. Where there's a will there is ALWAYS a way. If you want to better yourself SOMEBODY will help you get on the right path. Standing on the street corner begging for money is not the answer. Hang out in a library and read. Try to educate yourself. And McDonalds is ALWAYS hiring!
The next story is even a little more puzzling than the first Locals plan protest of high gas prices. This is just simply silly. I know and work quite well with the leader of this organization. Even though she is a Democrat, we get along and work pretty well together on some local issues. She has a great spirit and her heart is in the right place. But I'm afraid her actions here just display her ignorance on the matter. Protesting a local merchant is not the right way to go. It's kind of amusing to me that a group of DEMOCRATS is protesting the high gas prices when it is there beloved Obama that is mostly responsible for them.
The high gas prices are a result of several complex issues. One being the morons on Wall Street that call themselves "speculators" but a lot of the blame also lies with the Lefts unwillingness to drill here. Plus you have the drilling ban in the gulf, coupled with Obama's complete and utter disdain for those "evil oil companies". Oil companies and profits are not the culprit here. Anybody with half a brain should understand that. OPEC warned us not to print more money and the Fed did it anyway. Which in turn caused inflation , which in turn caused gas and food prices to rise. Now, I don't think we should obey every command from OPEC. But considering they set the oil prices, I think maybe when they come out and say don't do something that perhaps we ought to take it under consideration.
One thing I'm sure of. Is the fact that these protesters will roll up to this protest each driving their own SUV's. Kind of ironic don't you think?

What I see is that Walker is stating he needs changes in one law in order to accomplish a certain task. A group of people is showing him an alternate way to achieve the same goal, and he's refusing it. He wants to strip rights from a group of individuals, in order to balance his budget. The same group says, hey, we'll give you the $ you need to balance your budget AND it doesn't need to strip our rights away. To which he responds, nah I really don't want you to have those rights, I was just using the $ as an excuse.
I'm not necessarily on of those "all power to unions" folks either. I want to see a fair and equitable balance. There are folks with power and there folks without, and until you get into the super-upper realm, folks with power seem to have the strong attitude that it's OK to shit on people beneath you. And I just don't hold to that. But I'm a hand-up kind of guy, not a hand-out kind. So, I see collective bargaining as a way for those without power to have a chance, to have at least something to stand on. Rules to govern how much abuse the powerful can heap on the powerless is the only thing in the way of slavery. As the economy turned down, I saw massive abuse of employees work its way into the system. I work in a giant multinational corporation, and in here as well as friends in smaller local firms, employees got stripped of more and more. And what happens is that becomes the new 'norm', so when things get better, don't think for a minute those employers are going to give back to the employees what they took away.
On the other extreme, some unions have gotten so large and powerful, they no longer function as their intent. They become companies in their own rights, treating their 'employees' with as much indifference and abuse as the companies they supposedly fight against.
"A public union employee, a tea party activist and a CEO are sitting at a table with a plate of a dozen cookies in the middle of it. The CEO takes 11 of the cookies, turns to the tea partier and says, 'Watch out for that union guy he wants a piece of your cookie.'"