A couple weeks ago there was a thread on the front page about the girl from moveon.org who was stomped on at a Rand Paul Rally. Naturally most of the Lefties here are totally oblivious as to what REALLY happened. This woman (and use the term lightly) was PAID to go to this rally and stir up trouble. Unfortunately she found a lone bonehead to take her bait. Which resulted in her being stepped on while on the ground. The guy was obviously an asshole and in the wrong for stomping on a woman, or anybody for that matter. And 2 wrongs don't make a right. But this girl got EXACTLY what she wanted out of the event. More ammo for the Left to use to portray Tea Party people as violent and racist.
Now anybody that watches any channel other than MSNBC knows all the violent,racist attacks are nonsense. But nevertheless this girl found one lone douchebag. And the Left ran with it. Pathetically several SG girls jumped on the zombie bandwagon and started their "Don't stomp on me" campaign. So in this thread I referred to this woman as a "bimbo". Which to those of you who know me, isn't like me since I'm always calling people out on name calling in debates. Needless to say all the wacko's came out of the woodwork to attack me for calling her a bimbo (nobody would debate the merits of the story). I even lost a friend or two.
My question for all the libs is this.......How is it that you guys defend Muslims to no avail even though they treat women like shit and give them NO rights. How is it that it's ok for the Left to pounce on somebody for using the term "bimbo", yet ya'll have no problem calling Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin every nasty name in the book? Why the double standard? Have any of you even taken the time to sit back and look at how ridiculous it is to behave like this? I even had one guy tell me "I should cancel my subscription to SG because this site was for liberals only". I had to laugh at him.
I've learned after years of dealing with Lefties in different groups and threads that all you have to do is overwhelm them with facts and they go away. TheFuckOffKid is by far the most arrogant liberal on this entire site. He's always looking for a fight and talks a good game. I sent him a few links a while back to back up a story we were debating. Guess what? Haven't heard back from him yet!
I love the debate. But common sense needs to come into play at some point. If calling someone a bimbo gets you so angry. Perhaps you should not be here and maybe find a child friendly site.
Now anybody that watches any channel other than MSNBC knows all the violent,racist attacks are nonsense. But nevertheless this girl found one lone douchebag. And the Left ran with it. Pathetically several SG girls jumped on the zombie bandwagon and started their "Don't stomp on me" campaign. So in this thread I referred to this woman as a "bimbo". Which to those of you who know me, isn't like me since I'm always calling people out on name calling in debates. Needless to say all the wacko's came out of the woodwork to attack me for calling her a bimbo (nobody would debate the merits of the story). I even lost a friend or two.
My question for all the libs is this.......How is it that you guys defend Muslims to no avail even though they treat women like shit and give them NO rights. How is it that it's ok for the Left to pounce on somebody for using the term "bimbo", yet ya'll have no problem calling Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin every nasty name in the book? Why the double standard? Have any of you even taken the time to sit back and look at how ridiculous it is to behave like this? I even had one guy tell me "I should cancel my subscription to SG because this site was for liberals only". I had to laugh at him.

I've learned after years of dealing with Lefties in different groups and threads that all you have to do is overwhelm them with facts and they go away. TheFuckOffKid is by far the most arrogant liberal on this entire site. He's always looking for a fight and talks a good game. I sent him a few links a while back to back up a story we were debating. Guess what? Haven't heard back from him yet!

They have been pulling that break in shit for a while ...... now they just hide it. I use security cameras with night vision and motion detectors that my security companies monitor 24 hours a day ..... any asshat who tries that shit is arrested within a few minutes.

yeah, the holidays suck, mainly cause they arent what they used to be. In highschool they were fun cause I had alot of friends and it was to buy gifts for, but I guess now that I dont have a lot of friends, its better cause i have no money!