So the Left had their little wannabe Beck Rally in D.C. yesterday. I think these pics pretty much say it all
What a disgusting group of folks!
On another note, I've been making my way through the Bible and have a question for some of you. Deuteronomy 5:21 reads... You shall not covet your neighbors wife; and you shall not desire your neighbors house, his field, his male servant, his female servant, his ox, his donkey, or anything that is your neighbors.
Please tell me how this translates into Sharpton's claim that we will not have "made it" until we have equal things in all our homes? I don't know what this guys preaching, but it sure as hell isn't Christianity!

What a disgusting group of folks!
On another note, I've been making my way through the Bible and have a question for some of you. Deuteronomy 5:21 reads... You shall not covet your neighbors wife; and you shall not desire your neighbors house, his field, his male servant, his female servant, his ox, his donkey, or anything that is your neighbors.
Please tell me how this translates into Sharpton's claim that we will not have "made it" until we have equal things in all our homes? I don't know what this guys preaching, but it sure as hell isn't Christianity!
Sharpton is a politician just like any other, only his office is in a church (presumably).
You know, I long for those days of old when folks felt that BOTH sides had something to offer.
Obama is not, has not been, and is miles and fucking miles away from fucking liberation theology. You should be ashamed and embarrassed!
You quoted Deuteronomy and now you're weasellijng away from it. Seriously? Is that what you usually do? Either have the courage of your hand-cutting convictions or shut the fucking fuck up.
Milton Friedman -- that viciously nasty liberation theology anti-business crackpot (haha!*) -- used to say that "to spend is to tax". George Bush spent like a drunken fucking sailor while cutting taxes at the same time, having inherited a budget in fucking surplus. Completely in fucking denial.
You know who else was in denial? The Tunnel_Visions of this world. How do I know? Because I argued about it on the SG boards for years when Bush was president where one neo-con whackjob after another wanted to insist what a Great President Bush Was, and what chaos would ensue if a Democrat got into power.
Now the Republicans are running from Bush's disastrous legacy, while trying to make out that the problem wasn't of their own making. Pathetic. Completely fucking miserably pathetic.
*God I hope you can manage sarcasm.