Hey all, I haven't been on much this summer. Been kinda hectic. I've gotten real involved with the local political scene and it keeps me pretty busy. Looks like November is shaping up to be pretty interesting. I was at Beck's Restoring Honor Rally which was truly amazing. Ten of us from our local 9-12 Group rented a van and drove up to DC for 5 days. It's been interesting watching MSNBC try to report the event. Olberman, Schultz and Matthews really are pathetic. I've got several liberal friends but MSNBC is just intolerable. I can handle an opposing point of view (I do subscribe to this site) but MSNBC has become the US Provda. Never thought I'd see the day when we had state run media. I wonder what their gonna do when we vote all the progressives out in 2010 and again in 2011? Maybe by then they will be off the air, like their pals over at Air America.
Anyway, enough of politics for now. I have few praises and rants to get off my chest. First a praise. While in DC I was at a neat little bar in Alexandria VA called Bilbo Baggin's. The bartender introduced me to a Belgium beer called Piraat. Best damn beer I've ever had! Luckily I found a liquor store in my hometown that sells 4 packs for $14.99! Pricey but very good beer! While walking around Georgetown, I spotted a cupcake factory with people lined up around the block to buy a damn cupcake. Thought that was quite odd. We're getting so fat in this country that we will literally wait in line for an hour for a heat attack!
I have a question. Why is it that people don't understand that the far left lane on the Interstate is for passing? Is it just Georgia or is this a nationwide problem? I drive fast. Yeah, I get tickets but my time is more important to me than a cheap fine. So when on the Interstate I always drive in the far left lane as fast as traffic will allow. Most people get out of the way. However, there are WAY to many that just don't get it. Why must they travel 60 in the fast lane? Anybody?????
Another praise then I'll quit rambling. I saw Slash with Myles Kennedy on Monday night at Center Stage in Atlanta. Best damn show I've seen in years! They played for 2 hours and stuck to the music. No political rants, no whining, just damn good music!
Anyway, enough of politics for now. I have few praises and rants to get off my chest. First a praise. While in DC I was at a neat little bar in Alexandria VA called Bilbo Baggin's. The bartender introduced me to a Belgium beer called Piraat. Best damn beer I've ever had! Luckily I found a liquor store in my hometown that sells 4 packs for $14.99! Pricey but very good beer! While walking around Georgetown, I spotted a cupcake factory with people lined up around the block to buy a damn cupcake. Thought that was quite odd. We're getting so fat in this country that we will literally wait in line for an hour for a heat attack!
I have a question. Why is it that people don't understand that the far left lane on the Interstate is for passing? Is it just Georgia or is this a nationwide problem? I drive fast. Yeah, I get tickets but my time is more important to me than a cheap fine. So when on the Interstate I always drive in the far left lane as fast as traffic will allow. Most people get out of the way. However, there are WAY to many that just don't get it. Why must they travel 60 in the fast lane? Anybody?????
Another praise then I'll quit rambling. I saw Slash with Myles Kennedy on Monday night at Center Stage in Atlanta. Best damn show I've seen in years! They played for 2 hours and stuck to the music. No political rants, no whining, just damn good music!
I hate it even more when fucktards drive like that next to lines of trucks for miles. Though it's heart warming how they work so hard to catch up with me in traffic just to give me a thumbs up for the nobama bumper sticker on my murcielago.

Great that you like my set Shine on you! Thanks for your coment