Restoring Honor Rally 8-28-10
What an amazing event! I attended the AFP Defending The Dream Summit all day Friday and was at Beck's rally Saturday. Truly inspirational. It's been quite amusing watching the lame stream media and the left try to report on this story. First off. I was there. At least 500,000 people. All peaceful crowd (except for Sharpton's goons). I went with 9 others from the Conyers 9-12 group. Sharpton's crowd tried to push their way in about half way through but the Park Police did an outstanding job keeping them away. Sharpton's message was mean and hateful, while Beck's was smart, intelligent and truly amazing! It was so refreshing to be with such a large crowd that worships God instead of Marx for a change. I love Atlanta but I'm afraid most of the voters here are brain dead. I ran into a group of kids about 20ish after the rally carrying a sign that read "Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck are racist". It's kinda sad really that our younger generation is so ignorant. I guess Dr. Alvadia King is also racist since she was a big part of beck's show? I thought about stopping to talk to these kids but figured it wasn't worth it. It's one thing to disagree with Beck or Palin, but to walk around with a sign like that after what we all just witnessed is kinda silly. Some in the media are being forced to realize were not just an "angry mob" but God fearing, intelligent folks that just simply disagree with Obama's socialist policies.
Anybody looking to join a real grassroots activist organization should check out American's For Prosperity. Their convention Friday was first class all the way. With speakers such as Herman Cain, and Dick Morris. Michelle Bachmann delivered the keynote speech at dinner. Very well organized group of folks!
Glenn really did an outstanding job Saturday. I wish all his critics would shut up long enough to at least watch him for an hour or so. The man is brilliant!
I thought Ed Schultz was literally going to break down and cry during his radio show yesterday. You could hear the bitterness and jealousy in his voice describing the event. He and Olberman really are pathetic!
I am aware that this site is overwhelmingly liberal. But I would ask that you check out or youtube videos of the event before you start your rants about Beck on here. I know better than to go into any of the groups with any of this. Which is why I'm posting it here. I don't need any random. I hate Glenn Beck because I'm to stupid to understand him posts. I ask all you liberals to do yourself a favor. Listen to Glenn's own words from the rally. Not what the talking heads tell you!
What an amazing event! I attended the AFP Defending The Dream Summit all day Friday and was at Beck's rally Saturday. Truly inspirational. It's been quite amusing watching the lame stream media and the left try to report on this story. First off. I was there. At least 500,000 people. All peaceful crowd (except for Sharpton's goons). I went with 9 others from the Conyers 9-12 group. Sharpton's crowd tried to push their way in about half way through but the Park Police did an outstanding job keeping them away. Sharpton's message was mean and hateful, while Beck's was smart, intelligent and truly amazing! It was so refreshing to be with such a large crowd that worships God instead of Marx for a change. I love Atlanta but I'm afraid most of the voters here are brain dead. I ran into a group of kids about 20ish after the rally carrying a sign that read "Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck are racist". It's kinda sad really that our younger generation is so ignorant. I guess Dr. Alvadia King is also racist since she was a big part of beck's show? I thought about stopping to talk to these kids but figured it wasn't worth it. It's one thing to disagree with Beck or Palin, but to walk around with a sign like that after what we all just witnessed is kinda silly. Some in the media are being forced to realize were not just an "angry mob" but God fearing, intelligent folks that just simply disagree with Obama's socialist policies.
Anybody looking to join a real grassroots activist organization should check out American's For Prosperity. Their convention Friday was first class all the way. With speakers such as Herman Cain, and Dick Morris. Michelle Bachmann delivered the keynote speech at dinner. Very well organized group of folks!
Glenn really did an outstanding job Saturday. I wish all his critics would shut up long enough to at least watch him for an hour or so. The man is brilliant!
I thought Ed Schultz was literally going to break down and cry during his radio show yesterday. You could hear the bitterness and jealousy in his voice describing the event. He and Olberman really are pathetic!
I am aware that this site is overwhelmingly liberal. But I would ask that you check out or youtube videos of the event before you start your rants about Beck on here. I know better than to go into any of the groups with any of this. Which is why I'm posting it here. I don't need any random. I hate Glenn Beck because I'm to stupid to understand him posts. I ask all you liberals to do yourself a favor. Listen to Glenn's own words from the rally. Not what the talking heads tell you!
Great blog