I want to share an experience I had last night. A friend of mine called me yesterday and wanted to go see the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra at one of our big venues here in Atlanta, Chastain Park. Serj Tankian from System of a Down was to be the front man for the show. And here is where I'd like some help from my liberal friends..
Those from and around Atlanta may know that the ASO has been struggling the last few years. Ticket sales and funding have been way down. Last night I figured out why. About 20 minutes into the show. Serj picked up a piece of paper and went on a 5-7 minute rant against Arizona's Immigration Policy and also went on to complain about how Capitalism is America's biggest enemy. Now set aside for the sake of this discussion that Capitalism is what makes him rich! By selling tickets to his shows. (I know common sense is not something most Liberals put much stock in).
Obviously I had the right to walk out during or after this tirade about how America is evil. But I was with friends and paid good money for this show. A night out in Buckhead is not exactly cheap. I'd say between the 3 of us we spent about $500 last night. When you consider tickets, dinner, drinks, etc. My problem lies in the fact that I had paid money to hear this left-wing bullshit. There is a time and a place for everything. Theres a a time for politics and a time for art. I appreciate art as much as the next guy. Especially music. But why has it become that if you are a conservative you have to endure this kind of crap. Is it not possible to be a conservative and enjoy the arts? Or to be a conservative and an environmentalist for that matter. Why has the "left" claimed so much of what is available to us?
The ASO wonders why funding is at an all time low, yet they can't make the connection to this kind of leftist crap? Surely they are not that blind? Are they willing to die in order to push their beliefs? Can we not have art without politics? Now, going to a Bruce Springsteen concert one knows what that will have to endure his left wing views even though what they are paying for is his music. You make a choice as to whether it's worth it or not. I made a decision years ago to not see any movies with Tom Cruise, Sean Penn, John Travolta, etc because I do not wish to support their Scientology nonsense and their political views. Hollywood is a lost cause, but damnint this was the ASO!
My best friend, who was with us last night claims, that you can just block that shit out "because it's only the music that matters". I strongly disagree with him. Things will not change until we stand up against this kind of nonsense. Every dollar the ASO or System of a Down makes off this crap just furthers their cause. I found it especially interesting that he had to READ his little speech. The only thing he had to read all night. One can wonder, if this is really what he believes? Why did he need to read it? Perhaps the saddest part of the ordeal was watching the audience. I see where the term "sheep" comes to play when talking about the masses. Most of the crowd was either to drunk or to stoned to realize what he was saying, but some understood and raised up to applaud him like he was some sort of great profit. Is this really what we've come to? Are parents not teaching any kind of values at home anymore? Perhaps the fact the they were only able to draw a couple hundred people on a mild weathered Friday night in the big city of Atlanta is a testament to the shit their spewing. But I will admit It caught me off guard. I've gotten used to these types of rants at concerts lately. Apparently every artist with a microphone thinks I give a shit about his political views. But this wasn't just a quick rant. This was a planned deliberate condemnation of America. And I had to pay to hear it!
Today I am questioning whether or not to continue to support the ASO. I've sent some emails to find out how much they stand behind last nights message. As for Serj Tankian and System of a Down. All I can say is thank God for bearshare! I can steel their music without having to contribute to their ignorance.
Obviously these guys can believe whatever they wish and their entitled to their opinions. But someone must remind them that without Capitalism and the freedom to sing and rant about how evil America is. Their would be no System of a Down!
Those from and around Atlanta may know that the ASO has been struggling the last few years. Ticket sales and funding have been way down. Last night I figured out why. About 20 minutes into the show. Serj picked up a piece of paper and went on a 5-7 minute rant against Arizona's Immigration Policy and also went on to complain about how Capitalism is America's biggest enemy. Now set aside for the sake of this discussion that Capitalism is what makes him rich! By selling tickets to his shows. (I know common sense is not something most Liberals put much stock in).
Obviously I had the right to walk out during or after this tirade about how America is evil. But I was with friends and paid good money for this show. A night out in Buckhead is not exactly cheap. I'd say between the 3 of us we spent about $500 last night. When you consider tickets, dinner, drinks, etc. My problem lies in the fact that I had paid money to hear this left-wing bullshit. There is a time and a place for everything. Theres a a time for politics and a time for art. I appreciate art as much as the next guy. Especially music. But why has it become that if you are a conservative you have to endure this kind of crap. Is it not possible to be a conservative and enjoy the arts? Or to be a conservative and an environmentalist for that matter. Why has the "left" claimed so much of what is available to us?
The ASO wonders why funding is at an all time low, yet they can't make the connection to this kind of leftist crap? Surely they are not that blind? Are they willing to die in order to push their beliefs? Can we not have art without politics? Now, going to a Bruce Springsteen concert one knows what that will have to endure his left wing views even though what they are paying for is his music. You make a choice as to whether it's worth it or not. I made a decision years ago to not see any movies with Tom Cruise, Sean Penn, John Travolta, etc because I do not wish to support their Scientology nonsense and their political views. Hollywood is a lost cause, but damnint this was the ASO!
My best friend, who was with us last night claims, that you can just block that shit out "because it's only the music that matters". I strongly disagree with him. Things will not change until we stand up against this kind of nonsense. Every dollar the ASO or System of a Down makes off this crap just furthers their cause. I found it especially interesting that he had to READ his little speech. The only thing he had to read all night. One can wonder, if this is really what he believes? Why did he need to read it? Perhaps the saddest part of the ordeal was watching the audience. I see where the term "sheep" comes to play when talking about the masses. Most of the crowd was either to drunk or to stoned to realize what he was saying, but some understood and raised up to applaud him like he was some sort of great profit. Is this really what we've come to? Are parents not teaching any kind of values at home anymore? Perhaps the fact the they were only able to draw a couple hundred people on a mild weathered Friday night in the big city of Atlanta is a testament to the shit their spewing. But I will admit It caught me off guard. I've gotten used to these types of rants at concerts lately. Apparently every artist with a microphone thinks I give a shit about his political views. But this wasn't just a quick rant. This was a planned deliberate condemnation of America. And I had to pay to hear it!
Today I am questioning whether or not to continue to support the ASO. I've sent some emails to find out how much they stand behind last nights message. As for Serj Tankian and System of a Down. All I can say is thank God for bearshare! I can steel their music without having to contribute to their ignorance.
Obviously these guys can believe whatever they wish and their entitled to their opinions. But someone must remind them that without Capitalism and the freedom to sing and rant about how evil America is. Their would be no System of a Down!
I've been to see the ASO too, but I've never seen anything like you describe. Hell, I've never heard any voice from an ASO stage that wasn't singing. A lot of the entertaining establishment, along with being left-leaning, also love to spout their political and social beliefs to the crowds. Why, I don't know; ego I imagine. Personally I hate it regardless of whether they are left or right, because, for your very reason, I paid for you to perform, not lecture on your personal beliefs or some cause you support. As you said, this obviously doesn't apply when you go to see someone who you EXPECT to hear that kind of thing from, like if you went to see Lewis Black for example. When a political stance is part of your performance then, yes, it's fine.
I'm not certain I'd punish ASO too much though. First, there's no telling they even knew this guy would do that; rockers have a habit of springing that shit on unsuspecting hosts. And two, honestly, I'd say a good number of ASO attendees are NOT left wing. If it were me, and I felt as strongly as you do, I'd just write a letter expressing my distaste for the outburst but phrase it in a general manner, not partisan. Again, whatever his beliefs are, he should have kept them to himself. Opposing that though, would you feel the same way if he read a pro-Glenn Beck letter?
And the irony of so many left wing artists who are sickeningly rich and debaucherous on the very capitalism that has made them rich isn't lost on me And the fat cats who'll trash a forest for a profit and then demand a nature scenic vacation are just as pathetic. Eh, rich folks just suck, huh?
the Mosque in NYC...
- It apparently isn't all that close to where the WTC was. Is there some distance that's relevant? How close is too close? Is it like 4 blocks is too close but 5 is OK?
- Muslims want to convert every one in the US. Isn't that the same thing that Christians do in every single country they go for missionary work? I mean they don't just go and dig irrigation ditches without plopping a church down. And honestly, are people that malleable about their religion that they're afraid of being converted?
Gay marriage...
I don't know your stance but honestly I've yet to hear a single argument to support banning gay marriage that ISN'T based on religion or a plain old 'ick' attitude. Is there an argument against it that doesn't apply to all the current allowed marriages? Divorce rate among straight couples is nothing to be proud of; elderly and sterile people can't have children either (or straights who just decide not to); Straight parents aren't all great parents; If gay parents make their children gay, then why are so many kids of straight parents gay; etc. You know what I'm getting at? I'm honestly curious because I haven't seen anything that can clearly show a real social detriment of gay marriage that isn't present with straight ones, and how the 'marriage' part makes all the difference where just being a couple does not (especially given that every right can be had through enough lawyers)