I lost my mascara, so I went out and bought a crystal 😑 Why do I always do this?
Finally got my ears stretched to a 0g, so they could fit over the flares for a 2g 😑
The girl working at the new age shop and I complimented each other at the same time, and the burst of energy that came from that moment was so warm and fuzzy. I have noticed women being more kind to each other.
But it's almost comical, because for some situations, it's like passive aggressive niceness. For example, the girls at my work will do each others hair, brows, and nails, and will refuse to accept tips, but the one getting the service will hide the tips in the salon tip booklet so that the tech receives the tip without knowing who it is. But the tech/stylist will usually figure it out, then use the tip money to buy that person lunch or a snack. I hear myself teasing them, "stop being so nice, you guys!" 😆 I end up in the madness too, but I learned that if I tip them in products they want for their station, then I disrupt the cycle, because they can't buy me lunch with cupcake scented pomade.
Tell me why getting green hair has projected my Sloth like personality? That wasn't part of the plan. I chose green hair to draw in health and money vibes 😂😫💀