Things are going well, I was just promoted back to my Senior position and got a little raise :) I worked so freaking hard to get it back so I'm really excited. I'm also in the application process of getting an apartment close to work. Things are going a little too well, I'm a little worried something is going to fall through. Honestly, I will be the most shocked if I get this apartment. I was turned down so many times when I was looking for places in the spring that it drove me to living with my boyfriend's parents. I know things have improved for me and my boyfriend exponentially since then but I'm still a nervous wreck on the inside.
At work I'm being sent around to other stores to reset the cosmetic walls and get the new products onto the wall. I get to work with other girls in the district and that is always interesting. We're doing tedious work trying to get all 6000+ pieces of makeup into their own spot, there are charts and fixtures and signs to read from, and the whole time I'm hoping that these girls don't think I'm a weirdo. Kind of hard to tell what they think when I'm spouting off makeup trivia like, "The Queen's favorite nail polish color is Ballet Slippers from Essie." But by the end of the day we were talking favorite mascaras so we'll see what the next week and a half will bring. :)