We're going to go old school with no pics today because I am having issues getting them to upload onto a blog post.
So I hit a deer Sunday night, it was a big ol' buck that tore out of the brush and into the side of my car. Mind you, one of my biggest fears is getting hit by a big deer on the drivers side door. This goddamn cunt of a deer fucking does just that. My screams are forever embedded into my mind. Glass was everywhere, Bambi's dad smashed in my drivers door and I can't open it on the outside. The car is drivable so I've been driving in this rainy cold November weather with no window and then I garbage bag it while I'm at work. Tonight I'm getting some clear vinyl to cover it till I can get a door for my car.
I always have things to say but writing it down never seems to happen. Getting my thoughts in order is kind of hard lately. I know I want to talk about Jesus but not how people usually talk about Jesus. I want to talk about Borderline Personality Disorder. I want to share more drug adventure stories, when I remember them ;) Tell me what you want to know about me. Maybe I'll write something up :)