rawr. fuck it, rawr
So yeah, on march 25th - april 2nd or 3rd, im going to be In N.Y. I need some time away from here, and its the best i could do *shrugs*
Well, i have a court date today, which really sucks, im not getting into detail about it, but wish me luck! " I am not a crook! ' *gives the peace sign*
hmm what else... oh, this weekend i will be down in the baltimore area, ill arrive sat. night after work, i have a little business that needs taken care of.. ill be there til sunday probably...
Lifes still going sucky, but im learning to ignore it, im not going to piss and moan about the lies and empty promises i was told.. yeah, they hurt like a bitch... but theres nothing i can do about the past, so i must do as quite a few of you have told me, and move forward... though i doubt ill ever touch a relationship again.... i dont trust them anymore... ill just get my nice place, and live with my dog, snake, cheetah, wolf, and spider monkey, and everything will be set!
Anyways, i gotta go piss off a judge now.. so ill ttyl..
So yeah, on march 25th - april 2nd or 3rd, im going to be In N.Y. I need some time away from here, and its the best i could do *shrugs*
Well, i have a court date today, which really sucks, im not getting into detail about it, but wish me luck! " I am not a crook! ' *gives the peace sign*
hmm what else... oh, this weekend i will be down in the baltimore area, ill arrive sat. night after work, i have a little business that needs taken care of.. ill be there til sunday probably...
Lifes still going sucky, but im learning to ignore it, im not going to piss and moan about the lies and empty promises i was told.. yeah, they hurt like a bitch... but theres nothing i can do about the past, so i must do as quite a few of you have told me, and move forward... though i doubt ill ever touch a relationship again.... i dont trust them anymore... ill just get my nice place, and live with my dog, snake, cheetah, wolf, and spider monkey, and everything will be set!
Anyways, i gotta go piss off a judge now.. so ill ttyl..
good luck with court and have fun in N.Y.!

I'd like to strangle someone with a yoyo...LOL i missed that one