... hope everything is going well...
I feel so helpless right now, though im not sure if thats the right word.. im just out of it.. i was tossing and turning all last night due to nightmares.. while im awake, i have control over the way i think and feel.. but when im asleep, i lose grasp and it seems i always relive the past.. i cant help but to still blame myself for my best friends death, and it haunts me so often in my sleep.. then to top that off, right after that dream, i had another horrible dream that made me wake up with a sick feeling in my stomach.. I hope things come together again, i hate these feelings... Well, anyways.. im sitting here listing to 'Last time' by dry cell.. a very good song.. Well, i have to go and get ready to pick up my gurl from class **where i SHOULD be..** anyways, i shall get back at you later.. keep it real!!!
I feel so helpless right now, though im not sure if thats the right word.. im just out of it.. i was tossing and turning all last night due to nightmares.. while im awake, i have control over the way i think and feel.. but when im asleep, i lose grasp and it seems i always relive the past.. i cant help but to still blame myself for my best friends death, and it haunts me so often in my sleep.. then to top that off, right after that dream, i had another horrible dream that made me wake up with a sick feeling in my stomach.. I hope things come together again, i hate these feelings... Well, anyways.. im sitting here listing to 'Last time' by dry cell.. a very good song.. Well, i have to go and get ready to pick up my gurl from class **where i SHOULD be..** anyways, i shall get back at you later.. keep it real!!!


I'm really sorry for your loss... try not to blame yourself for what happened because sometimes things are out of our own control and we just have to accept what happens. I've lost a few family members in one year... it was hard to deal with the loss. About the nightmares... i know exactally how you feel, i have post traumatic stress disorder and it's horrible
. Sometimes talking about stuff that happend to me in the past helps my nightmares, try to pick through the things you remember because it's just your subconsciousness coming through... oh the joys of psychology. I really hope things get better for you,