Im Hopeless.. eeek
oh psh. you are not!
All i want to do is see her happy.. I wish i could find a way to make myself perfect.. i never thought i would ever be willing to change myself for anyone.. but i would her... maybe its the way she smiles, or laughs, or even glares... but ive fallen beyond doubt... Sometimes i feel like i am not good enough, or i could...
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thats...wonderful and I know exactly how you feel. Just them smiling make you feel high. le sigh.
Well, so far everything seems to be going well, feeling better then did on the last entry.. no class, weekend, sleep, food.. all the good stuff in life.. for the most part, i have spent my day online and with my gurl, other then when she was out to eat with a friend. *shrugs* As for tonight, im trying to think of something to do,...
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im glad to hear that everything is going well for you smile
yikes! okay, so when DIDN'T it?
... hope everything is going well...

I feel so helpless right now, though im not sure if thats the right word.. im just out of it.. i was tossing and turning all last night due to nightmares.. while im awake, i have control over the way i think and feel.. but when im asleep, i lose grasp and it seems i always relive the past.....
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I'm really sorry for your loss... try not to blame yourself for what happened because sometimes things are out of our own control and we just have to accept what happens. I've lost a few family members in one year... it was hard to deal with the loss. About the nightmares... i know exactally how you feel, i have post traumatic stress disorder and it's horrible frown . Sometimes talking about stuff that happend to me in the past helps my nightmares, try to pick through the things you remember because it's just your subconsciousness coming through... oh the joys of psychology. I really hope things get better for you, smile
WooHOO!! got out of class early!! *does a little staggerdance* Anyways, hows everyone doin?? i be alright, still have a cold, it kinda sucks, but everything else is goin really well.. that doesnt happen often... ^_^ Anyways, so i have found something to help wake you up even more then drinking coffee.. and the secret it! *dum dum dum* spilling hot coffee on your F*cking...
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good to here that you got out of class early... that's really rad... im stuck studying for tests.. how i hate them so. confused
hahah u got coffee on ya!! tongue Yea, he has been a snot nose lately...literally. lol but well have fun...promise kiss love kiss
Argh! i feel like shyt.. i missed my classes today because i was so f*cking dizzy this morning.. hopefully everyone else is doing better then i am today.... **and to top it all off, its snowing again.. not my week..** Well, looks like i have pretty much moved now, up in york with my 'roommate' Andi..
So anyways, anyone out there want to buy me...
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... Its Snowing.. Im Going to Cry...

Everyone, save me from this evil white stuff from hell... florida boi here is going to cry!!!! lol puke

Anyways, everything (other then snow) is going well today, got an interview as a waiter tomorrow, its about time things started goin right, 'ey.. i just hope school and work dont kill me..

Its come to my attention that i...
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sorry the snow isn't agreeing with you... you either love it or hate it. smile wink
thank you <3
Hey Hey! Names Brad.. Bare with me here, i have always sucked at writing these profiles.. *shrugs* im a 19 yr old guy from Pa, just recently moved here from West Palm Beach, Florida... talk about a hard adjustment.. Well, i suppose this is my first entry... *blinks* I am currently going to school for my Digital Arts A.A. Its not ro shabby... ugh... well...
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Hey hey.. you finally got an account. YAY biggrin biggrin kiss love