Artists are the new aristocracy.
During Ancient regime, Aristocrats weren't usual people. They representant a highly educated part of the population. Commun laws weren't for them.
The people were under the law of puritans and the Church. During this period, aristocracy develloped libertinage (De Sade, Louis XIV, Marie Antoinettte ..). But people didn't juge them as the rest of the people and were thinking that this situation was "normal".
Today, Artists are not considered by the rest of the people. People apologize them for everything they do and accepet them as they are.
Like the French revolutionnaries, most people want equality in laws and consideration.
But today, the sitution doesn't need Blood because everybody can be an artist and this is the new revolution is in march.
Equality is about art.
Being an artist is a way to make the world better.
PS: Just an ideal moment and an english that seems far in the past.
During Ancient regime, Aristocrats weren't usual people. They representant a highly educated part of the population. Commun laws weren't for them.
The people were under the law of puritans and the Church. During this period, aristocracy develloped libertinage (De Sade, Louis XIV, Marie Antoinettte ..). But people didn't juge them as the rest of the people and were thinking that this situation was "normal".
Today, Artists are not considered by the rest of the people. People apologize them for everything they do and accepet them as they are.
Like the French revolutionnaries, most people want equality in laws and consideration.
But today, the sitution doesn't need Blood because everybody can be an artist and this is the new revolution is in march.
Equality is about art.
Being an artist is a way to make the world better.
PS: Just an ideal moment and an english that seems far in the past.
Je pense que l'art est en chacun de nous et qu'il faut le librer.
Le Mot "Artiste" est un peu pompeux. Je pense que l'artiste est plutt un artisan qui est plus ou moins reconnu.
par contre, lorsque tu veux repondre a un commentaire qu'on te laisse sur ta page, il faut que tu aille dans le journal de la personne concerne et que tu y laisse ta reponse ( sinon c'est trop compliqu pour suivre ...) voila voila^^