sometimes i feel like a
but without the bangin' hat.
i'm reviving my crocheting hobby, i tell you. i need positive ways to spend my time. everyone in my life will have scarves...even my mother's dogs. but theirs won't be as pretty as everyone else's, because they'll just rub them in the mud anyway.
i went to a funeral this weekend. it turned out to be the best decision i've made in a long time. that sounds morbid. it's just the reader's digest version, is all.
i need a bike.
my poooooor throatneedle was accosted by my neighbor accross the street. he is a bipolar hippy lunatic, who coincidentally sells crack on the side.
you see,
rob and i thought there was a stray cat living under the hippy's beat up car. so two nights ago we fed it, promising that if it was still there tomorrow, we'd find it a good home.
WELL...while i was at work, rob (throatneedle) went outside and saw that the tiny beat up cat was still under the car, panting in the 300 degree weather. rob gave it water and more food. the cat has cuts everywhere and a limp, is dirty and missing fur. the works.
all of a sudden...the hippy comes out of his scary hippy house and tells rob to get off of his property, that the terrible kitten WAS his cat. (he actually said, "it's under my car, don't you THINK it's my cat?!") he then went and fetched his pit bull and rotweiler, and told them "what do we do when we see someone we don't like?" the dogs proceeded to growl at rob. so rob went inside and called the police. after the hippy brought his dogs to our yard to warn us never to come over to his hippy domicile again, he beat it like michael jackson before the cops arrived. probably because he had crack in his pockets.
so sad.
so we're getting animal control involved. we will rescue that cat..oh yes. poor cat.

but without the bangin' hat.
i'm reviving my crocheting hobby, i tell you. i need positive ways to spend my time. everyone in my life will have scarves...even my mother's dogs. but theirs won't be as pretty as everyone else's, because they'll just rub them in the mud anyway.
i went to a funeral this weekend. it turned out to be the best decision i've made in a long time. that sounds morbid. it's just the reader's digest version, is all.
i need a bike.
my poooooor throatneedle was accosted by my neighbor accross the street. he is a bipolar hippy lunatic, who coincidentally sells crack on the side.
you see,
rob and i thought there was a stray cat living under the hippy's beat up car. so two nights ago we fed it, promising that if it was still there tomorrow, we'd find it a good home.
WELL...while i was at work, rob (throatneedle) went outside and saw that the tiny beat up cat was still under the car, panting in the 300 degree weather. rob gave it water and more food. the cat has cuts everywhere and a limp, is dirty and missing fur. the works.
all of a sudden...the hippy comes out of his scary hippy house and tells rob to get off of his property, that the terrible kitten WAS his cat. (he actually said, "it's under my car, don't you THINK it's my cat?!") he then went and fetched his pit bull and rotweiler, and told them "what do we do when we see someone we don't like?" the dogs proceeded to growl at rob. so rob went inside and called the police. after the hippy brought his dogs to our yard to warn us never to come over to his hippy domicile again, he beat it like michael jackson before the cops arrived. probably because he had crack in his pockets.
so sad.
so we're getting animal control involved. we will rescue that cat..oh yes. poor cat.


i totally flaked on my journey to d.c. and ended up getting twisted drunk that night with some other fellas that were stranded here as well. it was all soccer (futbol) stuff - getting us to one place at any given time is kinda like herding cats. we've started having these amazing cookouts in brooklyn, so if you can get back up before summer's end you can come join in! i cook some mean ribs, julie makes some mean cornbread, and alex makes a mean fucking cherry lime rickey avec gin.

whoa...scary story! I think we are neighbors?