Dont believe me. I am a liar.
I lie all the timejust this Monday I lied to my boss. And then I turned around and lied again on Tuesday. Hey, I needed time off and Im too big of a pussy to tell him I just needed time away from his hair ears.
Monday: I had a cavity.
Tuesday: I had an allergic reaction to the Novocain.
It was such a natural lie to compose. Like butter.
Sorry everyone for not updating in a while. Ive been busy being lame. Whats happened, whats happenedhmmmmmmmm
Saw THE WEDDING PRESENT LIVE at Bowery Ballroom!
They were fucking cheesy, and emotional, and totally freakin AWESOME!
Roberto almost beat the shite out of some autistic little freak because he kept elbowing me while he danced spasticallyI felt bad for the kid. Not to mention the singer from the WP made a sassy remark regarding the scene. Totally inapproprtiate. Mhm.

On the way to the show, rob and I saw the remains of a murder scene. Its the second time Ive seen a murder in NYC up close..and I dont even live there, yo. We didnt know it was a murder until the day after. And we totally walked in the bloody stains on the sidewalk after the show let out. I feel kind of morally er, off, tromping through a murder scene now. so strange. terrible.
Damn dizzie rascal. Im starting to like him.
Does anyone know how to write macros with visual basic? Cmon, show me how.
Someone remind me to pay my car insurance.
ive been around.. mostly offline, but i stop by in chat to say hi and check things out.. the usual.
oh.. and i 'brought you back from the dead'.. i can threaten all i want! haha jk