okay, so this 9-5 gig is starting to ruffle my feathers.
i mean, seriously, i 'm supposed to do this for the rest of my life? hell no. no way. i better start looking into local strip clubs or something because i refuse to work retail and desiree is NOT working for the man. except that i am working for the man. but this can change. oh yes.
has anyone seen that cheezy shark thriller, open water? ever since i saw jaws at the budding age of 2 1/2 i've had a fascination with being eaten alive by a shark....
OH MY FUCKING GOD! the woman next to me at work (and by next to me i mean 15 feet away, in a cubicle whose doorway faces my workspace) FARTS ALL THE TIME AND IS LOUD AND IT STINKS!!!!!!!!! she's a chinese immigrant and i know people do that shit over there but she's been in the country for 10 fucking years and she should know that americans do not fucking LIKE it when people FART AND STINK UP THE FUCKING OFFICE! too bad im too much of a wussy to walk over there and scare the shit out of her. my boyfriend suggested i d/l a fart mp3 and play it whenever she farts....like right after she does it.
oh geez, enough about me. BUT: does anyone have any suggestions about what sort of stuff i should buy to fill the barren walls of my office? i can't decide on any posters/ tapestries . pick shit out for me please.
gotta go respond to folks' journals...im so bad about those sorts of things.
i mean, seriously, i 'm supposed to do this for the rest of my life? hell no. no way. i better start looking into local strip clubs or something because i refuse to work retail and desiree is NOT working for the man. except that i am working for the man. but this can change. oh yes.
has anyone seen that cheezy shark thriller, open water? ever since i saw jaws at the budding age of 2 1/2 i've had a fascination with being eaten alive by a shark....
OH MY FUCKING GOD! the woman next to me at work (and by next to me i mean 15 feet away, in a cubicle whose doorway faces my workspace) FARTS ALL THE TIME AND IS LOUD AND IT STINKS!!!!!!!!! she's a chinese immigrant and i know people do that shit over there but she's been in the country for 10 fucking years and she should know that americans do not fucking LIKE it when people FART AND STINK UP THE FUCKING OFFICE! too bad im too much of a wussy to walk over there and scare the shit out of her. my boyfriend suggested i d/l a fart mp3 and play it whenever she farts....like right after she does it.
oh geez, enough about me. BUT: does anyone have any suggestions about what sort of stuff i should buy to fill the barren walls of my office? i can't decide on any posters/ tapestries . pick shit out for me please.

gotta go respond to folks' journals...im so bad about those sorts of things.
Are you a member of the SG Charm City group? If not, you should join. This Friday a bunch of us are getting together at GoatsGoToHell & wreernt's house. I want the boy to come and he won't go if his love Stephen isn't going. So think about it!
Ugh, I hope that made sense.