Is everyone having a happy new year? I hope so. Mine is okay. I can't complain. Boring is better than exciting and horrible.
And now for New Year's Resolutions!
1. To get published.
2. To meet one nice boy. One nice and somewhat attractive boy. (By attractive, I mean like with good teeth and grooming habits.)
3. To forget about Rob forever. At least once a day.
4. To TRY to see the good in EVERY person I meet. Unless he or she is a jerk, then this does not apply.
5. To find a better job.
And finally 6. To get my own apartment so I don't have to deal with these roommates anymore.
So, those are mine! What are yours??
1. To get published.
2. To meet one nice boy. One nice and somewhat attractive boy. (By attractive, I mean like with good teeth and grooming habits.)
3. To forget about Rob forever. At least once a day.
4. To TRY to see the good in EVERY person I meet. Unless he or she is a jerk, then this does not apply.
5. To find a better job.
And finally 6. To get my own apartment so I don't have to deal with these roommates anymore.
So, those are mine! What are yours??
VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS make them, always fail, you know, cut back on beer, food, try and be nice...always fail.
As for yours:
1. I'm sure you will. *crosses fingers*
2. Must be plenty in Detroit, if not try England
3. Well have to start soon I suppose.
4. It's a flaw we all have.
5. Aren't we all. Hope you're successful.
6. A bit of personal space, can't beat it.
Hope you stick to them all.