B. and I went to see Underworld. Correct me if I'm wrong, but was the guy who played Viktor the same guy who played the farmer in Babe, that movie about the talking pig?? All through the movie, I kept wanting to say, "That'll do, pig, my pretty, gothic little blood-drinking pig. That'll do."
Anyway, think The Matrix, add a werewolf, a drop of Anne Rice and then throw in some cheesy British accents and voila! Underworld. The part where that guy's head got cut right in half and just sort of, like, slid off was pretty cool, though. I was all
B. seems to be a pretty neat guy. We ate dinner --I got spaghetti. Spaghetti? I was slick, tho. I cut it with my knife when he got up to use the bathroom, so I didn't end up wearing half of it.
-- and then we walked around the mall because we had an hour to kill. Then we saw the movie, and he dropped me back off safe and sound. He's kind of quiet, tho. I thought maybe he thought I was a little weird, but then he said that he was relieved to see that I wasn't an Abercrombie & Fitch girl. I didn't tell him that I bought a sweater from there once.
So, we're supposed to go out again next week. I'm looking forward to it. It's kind of strange, though, because he's not R. Which, really, is a good thing. But I'm used to R. You know? Maybe I have too much left over baggage. I don't want to screw this up, but sometimes I have a habit of involuntarily sabotaging things before they even start.
Well...I'm not going to worry about it and just let it ride.
Love and Chicken Nuggets (I lub my nuggets!),
P.S. He didn't have bad teeth.
B. seems to be a pretty neat guy. We ate dinner --I got spaghetti. Spaghetti? I was slick, tho. I cut it with my knife when he got up to use the bathroom, so I didn't end up wearing half of it.
So, we're supposed to go out again next week. I'm looking forward to it. It's kind of strange, though, because he's not R. Which, really, is a good thing. But I'm used to R. You know? Maybe I have too much left over baggage. I don't want to screw this up, but sometimes I have a habit of involuntarily sabotaging things before they even start.
Well...I'm not going to worry about it and just let it ride.
Love and Chicken Nuggets (I lub my nuggets!),
P.S. He didn't have bad teeth.
I hope things work out with him, my advice is that the best way to involuntarily sabotate thihngs is to think about them way too much. Sometimes, you just need to leave you analytical mind at home and let your feelings guide you
Damn glad Underworld was cool! I have to make the time to see it soon!
I'm with you on driving to nowhere. One of the most therapeutic experiences I've had was one day I was really depressed, and I started driving, popped in my Norah Jones CD and listened (I mean REALLY listened) to it for the first time. I just drove around and ended up listening to that CD about 3 times in a row. Then I fell much better
I'm a real chatter box today!