Last night, last night, let's seeee....
The club was cool. I met a girl with a tribal band tattooed on her forehead. I asked her if it hurt and she said it did. It looked pretty hot on her, actually, but I thought about it and I don't think I could get my face tattooed. My family would disown me...again...
I'm having a hard time with this R. thing.
I mean, argh! Why? Why can't he just leave Detroit? Forever? He had to come up and say hello! He had to come up and say, "You look good. It's good to see you." If my dentally challenged friend was a little cleaner, I would have done the most dispicable thing ever and threw myself on him just to piss R off. I thought about it and I was glad that this boy had bad teeth because I didn't make an ass out of myself. God works in mysterious ways. However, now, E. (bad teeth guy) won't leave me alone. I just want to be alone!
(I don't know what a lucha is. I just thought I'd use it.)
I want to call R.
But I won't....
My fish died. I just noticed...can life get any worse??
Love and Sobs,
The club was cool. I met a girl with a tribal band tattooed on her forehead. I asked her if it hurt and she said it did. It looked pretty hot on her, actually, but I thought about it and I don't think I could get my face tattooed. My family would disown me...again...
I'm having a hard time with this R. thing.

I want to call R.

My fish died. I just noticed...can life get any worse??
Love and Sobs,

How are things with you?