Figured i'd update Its been a pretty uneventful week. I worked, worked and worked mon-thurs. Friday i was supposed to have a normal day then have an actual date sometime in the evening but my boss decided late thursday night that he needed my help at a job site in a tiny podunk down about 20 miles inside Oklohoma. I was told i'd be back by 3-4 pm since i told him i had plans friday night. So knowing my boss i didnt schedule anything and let the girl know i was gonna be in Ok for the day and prob wont be back till at least 5ish lol. Of course i didnt have any signal on my phone in the little ass town, so on my way back as soon as i had signal i got a message from an annoyed girl askign what happened to me. Another 15-20 minutes later when i actually was able to have consistant signal i called her back and explained why i hadnt called yet ect, and as far as i could tell she was ok with it, but we had to reschedule our date for another time(stil have no clue when but i'm hoping tonight if possible lol). So after all that i got home at about 9:30pm and most definately had to shower after the day i'd had. Get up at 4am leave by 430, start working in the sun at 8, then stop at 6ishpm. Needles to say i'm gonna give my boss some crap the next time he promises i'll be back in time to actually get to have my plans. Other than that nothing exciting going on i guess. My tattoo is healing good, the majority of it is all better except for a few places that have lots of color. I expect them to be better in a couple days, then i can take a non slimy pic of it totally healed up
, oh yes and work finally did give me a vehicle!!!! yay for no more putting 100+ miles a week on my car(on a mild week). Well enough rambling for me today i guess. Cya

Yep, agreed on the Oct 1st thing.. I think my sister is going to go as well, I figured I would see if she wanted to come along. But Who knows She will end up changing her mind at the last minute because she listens to other poep way too much.. She cant think for herself.. I love her dont get me wrong. she Just pisses me off sometimes.
[Edited on Sep 16, 2005 5:17PM]