well its been a while again. Work keeps sending me out of town on fairly short notice yet again and every time i try to make plans i end up being gone. Had the kiddo this weekend just like usual. We didnt to a ton but had fun at least. Got some new glasses for the first time in 3 or so years, and paycheck permitting (since insurance only covers one) some contacts soon. Once these slightly more important things done then will see about saving enough $ to get my tatoo's i have planned out done, but we'll see how fast i can pull it off. On other news for some reason after my son leaves i get really lonely. I'm just not a partyier or much of a drinker(most the time at least) or bar goer so i dont get into many relationships. I miss being in one and well lately for some reason its been getting to me
For a while i could care less about being interested in one because the time after my divorce i let down my guard i pretty much let my heart get handed to me bloody and raw. Oh well enough lonely ramblings for now, off to entertain myself somehow. gonna try to stop bein lazy and get some newer pics up but we'll see hwo well i do. I need to take some more with the kiddo but he already went home and batteries for camera still charging( on well theres always next time i guess.

What weekends don't you have your son so we can get this SGKC camping thing off the ground?