back in wichita again lol, should be back sometime tomorrow or sunday, and then back to wichita sometime next week yet again lol. Its lookin like i'm gonna be down here most weeks for at least a day or 2 probably for another months or so.
and just cause i'm this bored atm i shamelessly stole this from a random friends journal
1) Are you a lying cheat?
2) Would your parents approve of me?
3) Do you live on your own/have a car/have a job?
4) Whats you nationality
5) Were you fat as a kid?
6) I see you're drinking 1%. Is that 'cause you think you're fat? 'Cause you're not. You could be drinking whole if you wanted to. .
7) Do you like to snuggle up and watch movies?
8) Will you get off your ass after the movie and come to a show?
9) What would be a perfect first movie to watch together?
10) Would you shower for our date?
11) What would be your perfect date?
12) Can we make out?
13) Is it okay if I dont put out for a really long time
14) Once I do, can we do it in a photo booth?
15) Where is your favorite place to be?
16) What are your vices?
17) Do you have any talents?
18) Do you have any holes/scared flesh that god didnt give to you?
19) Would you remind me why you like me?
20) Would you like to go for a walk to the park?
and just cause i'm this bored atm i shamelessly stole this from a random friends journal

1) Are you a lying cheat?
2) Would your parents approve of me?
3) Do you live on your own/have a car/have a job?
4) Whats you nationality
5) Were you fat as a kid?
6) I see you're drinking 1%. Is that 'cause you think you're fat? 'Cause you're not. You could be drinking whole if you wanted to. .
7) Do you like to snuggle up and watch movies?
8) Will you get off your ass after the movie and come to a show?
9) What would be a perfect first movie to watch together?
10) Would you shower for our date?
11) What would be your perfect date?
12) Can we make out?
13) Is it okay if I dont put out for a really long time
14) Once I do, can we do it in a photo booth?
15) Where is your favorite place to be?
16) What are your vices?
17) Do you have any talents?
18) Do you have any holes/scared flesh that god didnt give to you?
19) Would you remind me why you like me?
20) Would you like to go for a walk to the park?
Well, here's the thing....someone once said, "Wear life like a loose garment"...I think that people like myself take that saying too much to heart, because in the end, that only leads to exposure and embarassment, figuratively and literally. The older I get, it seems the more in control of my feelings I become. I do still have hope for SOME one, but man was I lonely last night....

thanks for coming out last night!!