Well it was another fun yet stressful week. I did end up not going to the concert. I wanted to but not alone, and what few friends I have left either didn't want to go, or couldn't. Turns out that was a good decision as the babysitters (soon to be ex in laws) appeared to be doing their usual and bailing after like 2 hours and demanding someone comes home. Thankfully I've seen them pull it enough I caught the signs before it happened. Instead I took the boys to the zoo, and we had a blast, even in the ridiculous heat/humidity that we had. Made me glad I opted for a season pass, it will pay for itself in 3 or less visits, especially since we get unlimited rides on the train and tram. They were exhausted but happy, and I wouldn't have traded that for anything. I mean ever have a 6 3 and 2 year old spend 30 minutes to try to convince you to take them back the next day lol. I have a feeling we'll be spending a lot of weekends there this summer. Of course to counter the awesome time with the boys the ex was in raging bitch mode today, and a out half of last week. She seems to take pleasure in trying to spite me and does her best to make me unhappy, unfortunately for her I'm done letting her, yes she angers me and irritates me at times, but no longer at her whims... If she feels the need to talk that much trash then she must feel bad about the crap she's done, or she's just that hateful. I do wish she'd be more of a parent at times, but all of this and her seeming lack of caring will just help the custody process. What they need is parents and not someone who randomly dissapears for days at a time then assume bringing them a couple of toys will make up for it. Anyways rant over
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