Another weekend gone. Back to the grind, well sort of lol, a slow week it looks like. As of right now the schedule includes either a trip to denver and back or a trip to OK again. I think i'd rather do the denver trip actually lol. Other than that turkey day kind of interrupts my week and makes it simple. Anyone got any super special plans besides work lol. I know i don't at least not yet.
More Blogs
Tuesday May 30, 2006
Back from the weekend. Honestly dont know how it went....... Seem… -
Friday May 26, 2006
Off to see the new girl for the weekend, Maybe i'll come back with pi… -
Tuesday May 09, 2006
Amazingly still nothing new and exciting to report............ From t… -
Sunday Apr 02, 2006
Nothing new and exciting to report here, another boring week. Hopefu… -
Tuesday Mar 28, 2006
The last trip went well overall. Didn't work myself too much while o… -
Sunday Feb 19, 2006
Well... its been a while but back to my traveling i go for another fe… -
Monday Jan 23, 2006
Underworld Evolution kicks ass.............that is all -
Monday Jan 09, 2006
so far so well with the new job, things are still a bit hectic, but t… -
Tuesday Jan 03, 2006
Well 2 of us quit today and the other 2 got fired, but we also are he… -
Monday Dec 26, 2005
Well christmas went decent, the kiddo is happy and thats good. I'll …
Although his parents did bring us to see HP, one upside to another annoyingly lonely holiday. It's weird to feel completely alone even while in the midst of 7 other ppl, then again it's weird to have Thanksgiving dinner with your ex's family isn't it?