Well, court went shockingly well last Monday. Probably because the boys mother didn't even bother to show up..... Seriously why even try for split custody when you don't show up for court appearances you schedule and go 3+ months without seeing or talking to your children.
Well after all my thought and consideration regarding the ex. We're supposed to have our first "date" and talk more about working things out together and getting back together as a couple. Yet I heard a rumor earlier this week that she may have a boyfriend....and confirmed it today with a fairly reliable source. So..... yeah..... unsure if she's just not breaking things off with...
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So I've come to a tough decision. The ex who had destroyed my heart or so I had thought at least, is stable, and seems to be wanting to work things out. I honestly don't know why I'm considering it with all I was put through other than that I never did stop loving her, once the hurt had time to fade and be dealt...
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Well, its been a bit since I've posted much of anything. Not a lot new going on really. Working painfully awkward hours, tanking care of my boys and being lonely. I've been trying not to be, but even with the boys going thru the holidays without someone after so long with, is just.....weird. I managed, and should hopefully be hearing any day now about a...
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I hate it when something totally unexpected crops up and when things are already tight you have to come up with extra money, enough that makes you wonder how to possibly get it. If anyone has any good ideas I'm all ears, otherwise its back to searching online and possibly looking into a second job, provided it will let me still afford child care.
Well it was definitely another busy weekend, tried 3 times to see the house I wanted to move into, all 3 were met with some dumb excuse by the friend I was looking into renting from. Granted this is one of those people that loves to exaggerate and make up things to seem cooler. I'm stating to doubt there really is a house, which pisses...
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Well it was another fun yet stressful week. I did end up not going to the concert. I wanted to but not alone, and what few friends I have left either didn't want to go, or couldn't. Turns out that was a good decision as the babysitters (soon to be ex in laws) appeared to be doing their usual and bailing after like 2 hours...
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Well I had planned on going with my now ex when we were going to try to work it out. Tho since that has all backfired and she's off running around with whoever this new guy is she's all obsessing over. I'm looking for one of 2 things, either someone or a group to go with so i'm not so alone, granted it can be...
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Well my week is half over before I head to work in a few minutes. Today definitely was better overall, fairly quiet and uneventful, most likely because it appears the ex is avoiding me and her father is here to watch the boys while i go to work until she gets here after whatever she went to do after work. Honestly I'm much preferring this...
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So i'm back, apparently my account was still active for the past while and I never even realized it until I got a message saying it was closed. Its been a long crazy few years. Got married, had 2 kids, wife decided to cheat on me and leave me for her first ever bf and start acting like a teenager again all of a sudden....
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things with the gf are on hold for reasons which i both understand and dont if that makes any sense to you people. I'm sure the distance cant be helping things either. Perhaps its for the best but i cant...
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