so yesterday afternoon my mother and my brother were both in my room. which rarely happens.. we were ordering food (because i could not stop eating this weekend) when all of a sudden my mom picks up my strawberry flavored lube that i accidently left out on my dresser and asks "whats this?" she probably thought it was some kind of fancy lotion from sephora and wanted to try it. i was so embarrased i just replied "Mooooom!" she thought it was so funny. then she started looking around the rest of my room.. you would think she wouldnt want to find anything else.. then she picks up my tanning lotion and asks what that was.. duh. nice try mom..
but i did loose the box cover to one of my "toys" so im sure that'll turn up, hopefully not in my mothers hands...
this weekend was pretty uneventful but nice.
my boy came to Jersey friday night. we rented Hostel and drank beers at my house wtih Doug Barry.
but then Phil felt sick and went to bed pretty early so that kinda blew.
i had my brothers kitten sleep in my room with us because i felt bad for her being all alone for some reason.. then i woke up at 5am to philip screaming and the kitten attacking his head.. it was pretty funny.. i warned him it would happen.
thank God she no longer has her claws.
Saturday morning i surprised phil with a school girl outfit. he REALLY enjoyed it. haha.
Then we went to my Aunt BBQ in Clifton. thats where the binge eating began.. mmm veggie burgers and my aunts famous macaroni salad!
my cousins and my brother and phil and i snuck out for a little bit and went up to the mountain to show Phil the castle. we hiked around and explored and what-not. there were three different wedding party's taking photos there. that was odd.and i was wearing a white dress. hah.
Saturday night. ordered chinese(more food) and drank some beers.
Sunday was very lazy as usual. Phil left pretty early. it was cold out
i watched "just friends" with my mother and brother. it was funny.
Then i watched transamerica.. very good movie!
so yeah. exciting stuff.
i saw my very dear Friend Cali tonight. i havent seen her in soo long! it was nice. .she works on an alpaka farm.. i find this so amusing.. i have to get my ass to Long brach to stay with her and visit the farm!!
(ive been saying that for 2 years now)
its tuff.
well i hope everyone had a great weekend and im gonna stop rambling about stupid shit now..
time for bed. hopefully Degrassi's on!
but i did loose the box cover to one of my "toys" so im sure that'll turn up, hopefully not in my mothers hands...
this weekend was pretty uneventful but nice.
my boy came to Jersey friday night. we rented Hostel and drank beers at my house wtih Doug Barry.
but then Phil felt sick and went to bed pretty early so that kinda blew.
i had my brothers kitten sleep in my room with us because i felt bad for her being all alone for some reason.. then i woke up at 5am to philip screaming and the kitten attacking his head.. it was pretty funny.. i warned him it would happen.
thank God she no longer has her claws.
Saturday morning i surprised phil with a school girl outfit. he REALLY enjoyed it. haha.
Then we went to my Aunt BBQ in Clifton. thats where the binge eating began.. mmm veggie burgers and my aunts famous macaroni salad!

my cousins and my brother and phil and i snuck out for a little bit and went up to the mountain to show Phil the castle. we hiked around and explored and what-not. there were three different wedding party's taking photos there. that was odd.and i was wearing a white dress. hah.
Saturday night. ordered chinese(more food) and drank some beers.
Sunday was very lazy as usual. Phil left pretty early. it was cold out

i watched "just friends" with my mother and brother. it was funny.
Then i watched transamerica.. very good movie!
so yeah. exciting stuff.
i saw my very dear Friend Cali tonight. i havent seen her in soo long! it was nice. .she works on an alpaka farm.. i find this so amusing.. i have to get my ass to Long brach to stay with her and visit the farm!!
(ive been saying that for 2 years now)

its tuff.
well i hope everyone had a great weekend and im gonna stop rambling about stupid shit now..
time for bed. hopefully Degrassi's on!
I thought that movie made you sick when you saw it the first time. that is so funny, why does that cat do that LOL.
School girl outfits are cool.
What do you mean a castle? Is it really a castle? I love castles.
What is a alpaka farm?