I’ve been very fortunate in life. I’ve had the opportunity to graduate from a top university in the United States, travel the world, own cars, help my parents retire, and experience so much more. However, one thing I try to never forget is how quickly everything I have could be taken away. Life can change in an instant, and that reminds me to take a step back and remember where I've been.
With that in mind, I’ve set a goal to be completed with some close friends: to complete a 150-mile (241.4 km) ruck across Ohio, carrying 80 lbs (36.28 kg) on my back. Although it’s been 8 years since I left the military and I no longer train the way I used to, I still want to challenge myself beyond my comfort zone. At the end of the summer, a few friends and I will take on this goal. Doesn’t sound too bad, right? One might think so, but the biggest challenge will not be the weight or distance. It will be your mind. The body is capable of extraordinary things, but your only true limitation will always be the mind. The goal here is to push ourselves as far as we can go, with limited breaks. There are strict rules in place, and we’ll have no modern conveniences – no hotels, no restaurants, no cars, bikes, tents, or anything else you might rely on. Whatever we carry in our packs is all we get. It will just be us and the will to complete this.
What are some things you do to remind you how fortunate you are?
*Updated weight conversion due to my error.