johanne and i hung out for a couple hours. we went go grandy's (mmm, grandy rolls) and went downtown to a parking lot and took pictures, i mostly of my little car, and her of some random painter.
so didnt want to work today, i just want to drive around in my little car, before it gets repossesed.
i got it yesterday, i went in with ralph, right after work. they approved me with him as the co-signer. i had worked eleven through four at hastings, and we got there at four thirty. we were waiting three hours before we got into the financing guy, most people were taking forty-five minutes to go in and out, we took fifteen, maybe i didn't haggle enough, cause my monthly payments suck. but it's a nice car, i like it. i've only noticed one flaw, and it's on the underside of the front passengers bumper. the previous owner hit something, so there's two black and one yellow stripe. it is a little dirty, but it's supposed to rain, so i didn't want to wash it.
so didnt want to work today, i just want to drive around in my little car, before it gets repossesed.
i got it yesterday, i went in with ralph, right after work. they approved me with him as the co-signer. i had worked eleven through four at hastings, and we got there at four thirty. we were waiting three hours before we got into the financing guy, most people were taking forty-five minutes to go in and out, we took fifteen, maybe i didn't haggle enough, cause my monthly payments suck. but it's a nice car, i like it. i've only noticed one flaw, and it's on the underside of the front passengers bumper. the previous owner hit something, so there's two black and one yellow stripe. it is a little dirty, but it's supposed to rain, so i didn't want to wash it.