Bijour toutes et tous
Hello vribody...
J'ai russi aller chez ma soeur en ce dimanche matin pour lui emprunter quelque temps son ordi. Mais comme je ne suis pas vnal je suis surtout venus pour faire de la piscine accompagne de ma chre et tendre sistersoul.
Moi faire du sport... !!! Et ben oui, un peu de natation me fera le plus grand bien croyez...
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Hello vribody...
J'ai russi aller chez ma soeur en ce dimanche matin pour lui emprunter quelque temps son ordi. Mais comme je ne suis pas vnal je suis surtout venus pour faire de la piscine accompagne de ma chre et tendre sistersoul.
Moi faire du sport... !!! Et ben oui, un peu de natation me fera le plus grand bien croyez...
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i miss you my friend. how come you never go into chat anymore? how have you been? Beren San I want to go back packing in Europe, you should host me in France when I go some day. and we can go out to the bars and you can introduce me to the French life and the beautiful women there.
Vraiment ??
Tu peux m'aider ??
Tu peux m'aider ??

So i decided to break with my girlfirend Maona=; It was difficult but it was a good decision to leave such a situation of being with someone who'not more like you and too young in her mind and body so...
Despites the fact we were together around one year and six month it's sure that it was passionless thant at the beginning... and i was...
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Despites the fact we were together around one year and six month it's sure that it was passionless thant at the beginning... and i was...
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Heeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyy good friend of mine!!!
Paris ehhhh? Niceeee :]]
thanks hun

Glad you liked my pic. 

Hello 'vrybody here... !!!
I'm in a artistic hyper activity in this period of my life, I write songs and then I put them on MySpace, I also write a roman as I said in another poste, and some poetry.
I don't even know if you will understand what happen in me now but I hope you will !!! Because being understood is very...
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I'm in a artistic hyper activity in this period of my life, I write songs and then I put them on MySpace, I also write a roman as I said in another poste, and some poetry.
I don't even know if you will understand what happen in me now but I hope you will !!! Because being understood is very...
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A vrai dire j'ai mme pas commenc mes cartons pour ce dmnagement...
Qui a lieu dans un peu plus d'un mois...
Qui a lieu dans un peu plus d'un mois...

C'est gentil mais j'ai pas le choix!
So I go away...
All my friends on SG will miss me especially SunGhost Sebyfly Nomia KaiThank rrrrr.
See ya in a better world with money to afford the account...
All my friends on SG will miss me especially SunGhost Sebyfly Nomia KaiThank rrrrr.
See ya in a better world with money to afford the account...

joyeux noel!!! comment ca tu disparais de SG????j espere que tout va bien pour toi !!au fait si tu peux penser a m envoyer quelques textes a toi ca serait coool!!
bah non part pas je viens d'arriver!!!

I'm looking at you
I'm standing at your door
I'm waiting for you
That's a moment I adore.
In vain maybe
With you may I be ?
I don't know who you are
Except in my mind
Coloured with passion.
I don't even know where you are
But I will find
With rage of passion.
They lie in says
When they think I just...
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I'm looking at you
I'm standing at your door
I'm waiting for you
That's a moment I adore.
In vain maybe
With you may I be ?
I don't know who you are
Except in my mind
Coloured with passion.
I don't even know where you are
But I will find
With rage of passion.
They lie in says
When they think I just...
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im half chinese and half canadian! yessirr indeed. someday us halfbreeds will take over the world

ooh yes! dreaminggg is good
thank you

thank you
Car le mix des couleurs reprsente le futur pour mes frres et soeurs...
La peur du mtissage
Selon le pass
La peur du mtissage
Selon l'ducation
La peur du mtssage
Selon l'histoire d'un peuple
Chacun sa vision
La peur du mtissage
Selon le pass
La peur du mtissage
Selon l'ducation
La peur du mtssage
Selon l'histoire d'un peuple
Chacun sa vision
ok c'es not, je le ferai! 

en fait si, je suis une vraie blonde... pas dcolore ce point... mais ma couleur naturelle reste blond quand mme!