So I haven't been sleeping well.
I think once I had moved out and settled in to my new house and recovered from the flu, the reality of the break-up hit home. I'd go to bed and my mind would race. I couldn't read, meditate, listen to audiobooks or music without getting distracted. And it's not like I was reminiscing about my ex and the good ol' days. they were just random dumb thoughts.
Anyway, if I couldn't sleep I would draw. I drew some crappy lil doodles from my head (eww I got doodles in my head), and some FanArt of suicidegirls. I've been loving to draw from a single point and grow the drawing from there, which I was always told you should never do! You have to plan your drawings and use tried and true methods of blah! Actually that's not true, I pretty much taught myself and wouldn't listen to anyone if they tried to teach me anyway, sorry Mrs Finlayson.
Drawing like this however is really relaxing for me. I spose I don't have to constantly judge distances and make sure little details, like eyes, line up, or hair look flowing and natural. It does have its flaws eyes not lining up, or hair looking flowing and natural.... Sorry Selahh. I totally want to redraw that pic.
Wait, I lost my point. It's tough typing on a phone, I can barely see the last line I wrote.
Drawing was/is an escape I guess. I can listen to music and draw and everything else floats away. The random thoughts are still there, but they just blow through my brain without interference. So i drew some magical grey lead sketches and I worked a lil more on Marlene's beautiful noggin.
I don't think I'll go into details of building up layers of colour with pencils and blending them together with lighter shades to form a waxy, painterly finish. Or splashing watercolour around her hairy bit because it was looking pretty shittish. I've just been really enjoying this one.