Back in the day, SG had a massive social following. We used to meet up in person and party our guts out, often literally. While there were the biggest international meets (which included the chatters meets which, while quite private were no less epic,) a big part of SG for a big part of the active members was the regional meets. They were usually weekly or monthly and happened at local pubs or restaurants. For me, my local group was SGIE and we'd usually meet at a local bar (but sushi was common too.) We usually could count the showup on one hand. We were a small group, but a passionate group. At the end of each meet I'd say "Ok guys I'm gonna head home. We had a great time. We laughed, we cried, we loved ... we lived." It was meant to be a joke suggesting that while a small group of people had gotten together, the result was really epic. It was a joke that meant to suggest that real greatness had happened while, really it was just a couple people who'd gotten drunk and joked around.
The reality is that true epicness did happen. We really did laugh. We really did cry. We really did love. We really did live. I am truly grateful for that. The times I've had with SG's help actually shaped the person I am today. They were no joke. They were events in my life that I will remember for all time and think back on them with tremendous fondness, as will everyone who lived them.
Thank you, SG, for providing a platform that enabled people to live real life. For the people who partook in this great community during it's height, we really experienced something special. We really did laugh. We really did cry. We really did love. And we really did live. We had fun. And it was and is important. :D