Back in the day I used to go into the desert and ride dirtbikes a lot. Out in the desert there are many hazards. Sometimes there's deep holes dug into the ground for no apparent reason whatsoever (usually just for an old used-up-five-years-ago bonfire pit.) Anyway, during a night's drinkin' a lot of times we'd bust out our bikes and go ridin' just so we could ride, blasting across the barren-ass desert full bore, giving no fucks whatsoever (it seems like a good idea at the time.) Sometimes someone would be headed full speed toward the holes and, rather than those of us watching go "WOOO go for it buddy we're here for you!" we'd run out and jump in front of them and wave our arms going "THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?! THERE'S A HUGE FUCKING HOLE AND YOU'RE RIDING STRAIGHT FOR IT!".
Now, one can say that a real friend sticks by you no matter what. But I say no, a real friend stops you from running head first into a wall. They don't just blindly say "Go for it man! I'm here for ya!" Real friends won't just "stick by me no matter what I do." They jump in when you're headed for a hole and tell you "ya know, this might not be the best way to go." Even if it's not something you're into and just wanna hear. Real friends want the best for you no matter how negative your response might be to them, not to be confused with people who wanna say "I was there for you and supported you when shit sucked." which god knows there's no shortage of (especially if you're an attractive girl who uses the internet.)
Sometimes, people who really care about you don't like seeing you go down the wrong path. Sometimes people tell you things that you absolutely hate. No one should pass those people or their opinions off, instead you should embrace them and recognize that genuine concern can come in ways you do not want to agree with.
Of course you should always go down your own path and make your own decisions, but at the same time you should never discount someone's criticism of your choices as their not wanting what's best for you. Care and wisdom rarely comes from blind admiration. It comes from those who know, respect, and love you and always tell you their true thoughts no matter what your initial response might be. :D